Little Women

333 11 55

A oneshot for Francine_Love2005

Kelsey's POV

Adelaine and I have grown closer ever since I was adopted by the Jones'. Closer as friends, family, and sisters. Diana is a great little sister too. She loves that she has two older sisters and enjoys spending time with us. Today, however, will be fun. I have a UN Assembly Meeting today. I'm standing in front of my locker, gathering my things. I hear a few steps behind me and turn my head. Lexi's standing there, smiling. Lexi's locker is near me so I guess it would make sense that she's here.

"Hello, Kelsey!" Lexi says.

"Hello, Lexi!" I reply.

"Are you going to another UN meeting? That badge looks new." She asks, pointing to my 'Secretary General' badge from the UN Club.

On the other side of my blazer, there's my badge for the highest rank in the theatre department, 'Chief Executive'. It's still behind the ranks of President and Vice President, 3rd in prestige is still a high rank in my eyes. I can fill in for Adelaine in case anything happens, I will be the eyes of theatre while Hugh is the ears.

"Yep. Today's the day of the most important meeting of the year." I return.

"Oh yeah? What're you doing there?" Lexi queries.

"Well, I'm going to be giving a speech..." I murmur.

"A speech? On what?" She asks, seeming intrigued.

"I want to inspire people. It's a speech dedicated to those that have a hard relationship with their parents, like how I felt with my biological disgraced parents. A way of finding out how to love someone difficult. I want every student and all of my peers to have a healthy relationship with their parents." I answer.

"That's a great idea! Have you gotten approval to use this as your speech?" She questions.

I nod. "Each department in the school supports my idea. I'm glad that the Fairview High Theatre Department, News Department, Robotics Department, Tech Department, Choir Department, and Sports Department all support it. I've even invited the leaders of each to witness my speech."

"That's great! Can I bring Sammy and the others with me? They've got free time and I'm sure they'll love to come to see you." Lexi requests.

"Of course! I'd love to have them there." I reply.

"Kelsey! Did you get picked to do the speech?!" A voice piped up from down the hall.

I turn my head to see Adelaine and Hugh. Adelaine is running towards us. She hugs me tightly.

"Did you get it?!" She exclaims.

I smile. "Yes! I did!"

"Congratulations Kelsey!" Adelaine wishes.

Hugh also congratulated me and squeezed me, joining the hug. He's such a good friend of mine. Adelaine, him, and I have great conversations and I cherish them.

"Do you feel nervous about it? I know this is your first time publicly speaking." Hugh interrogates.

"Actually I am nervous," I admit.

"Don't worry, we can help you get over your nerves!" Lexi hums.

Jones' POV

"Where are we going to park?" Gabriel asks.

"We have a spot, don't worry about parking!" Alessia replies.

"Where? Is there a spot reserved for parents of the UN Club?" Sofia wonders.

"I'm sure that they do but Adelaine and Kelsey have their personal parking spaces, which comes with perks for the parents too," I explain.

"Oh, we have our own parking? Isn't that cool!" Gabriel hums.

"I guess if the girls have high enough ranks, they can get rewards for their hard work," Sofia said with a laugh.

"Do you know where the spot is, David?" Alessia questions.

"Um- I laugh nervously -I think I did at one point, but I forgot where exactly it is."

"It's okay, there's a security guard over there! I'll ask him." Gabriel pipes up, pointing out the window.

I slowed down the car and slowed it to a stop right next to the security guard who was walking around. Gabriel leans closer to the window, rolls it down, and then poked his head out of the window to speak with the guard.

"Hi, Sir, could I ask you a question?" Gabriel queries.

The security guard steps closer. "Yes? What's the problem, Sir?"

"We were wondering where the parking was for the students with perks?" Gabriel responds.

"You aren't students. I shouldn't tell you where that is." The guard returns.

"Okay, then where will we park-" Gabriel starts but is cut off by the security guard.

"You guys can park with all of the other parents, over there." He says, pointing to the lot which was far away from the main building.

"Stinson, what are you doing?" A voice shouted from behind the guard.

"These people are trying to park near the perks spot." The guard, Stinson, retorts.

"You should never put them in the same parents' parking! They are VIPs! They are Her Honorable Jones' Parents and Godparents! They should be able to park near the honorable herself! Stinson, What are you standing there for? Assist them or our heads will be cut off by the boss herself!" The man said and the other man steps away.

The head of security steps over to the car, smiling.

"Don't pay him no mind, he's new and thinks he's a hotshot." He replies.

"Thank you! But where exactly is the spot?" I ask.

"It's in front of that sign right there." The security guard informs.

I nod and thank him once more. I pull over and park in the spot reserved for us. Next to us was the spot, 'Reserved Parking For President Adelaine Jones'. Adelaine was in her spot, having parked her car there. I guess that's the perk of knowing a VIP. I am so proud that my daughters have risen so high in the ranks. I'm so proud of them and I'm sure that Alessia thinks the same. We also brought Diana. She's with Sofia in the backseat, sitting in her car seat. She's asleep now, tired after a day at kindergarten. Marco is also sleeping, he's such a quiet little baby. They're both safe in their car seats, we value safety after all. I turn the car off and get out. We grab the sleeping kids and then head inside with Gabriel holding Marco and Sofia holding Diana. I notice Alessia and Sofia sharing a smirk. I hear my wife sigh and Sofia mutters something about how they raised Adelaine and Kelsey as badass boss bitches, which is true. Alessia responds with, "They have been under our wings of how to truly become a woman."

Gabriel and I hold the doors open for the women and they giggle, thanking us gentlemen. We greet people as we enter, hurrying to our seats. It starts as soon as we sit down. The UN club does its thing but I tuned out until Kelsey was giving her speech. It was a very good speech. It brought tears to my eyes. Kelsey smiles at us and then leaves the podium. As the assembly concludes, she appears beside us. I am the first to congratulate her and give her a big squeeze. Once I let go of her, everyone else hugged and congratulated Kelsey.

We hear a chorus of calls of congrats behind us and Kelsey must've seen whoever it was first by the big smile on her face. Audrey, Sammy, Jackson, Gabriella, and Lexi come from behind us. They're all smiling and happy. It seems like this event was a success. Principal Gwardieza even came by to congratulate Kelsey. Later on, I brought everyone to the house and we were going to celebrate. We have a good time and then, as the night is winding down, Sofia and Alessia take the girls upstairs. They are going to have a good mentoring talk. I hope that it ends well!

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