A oneshot for Maria_Sweet8690
Hugh's POV
Having a baby is a blessing for me and Adelaine, we have grown closer with Amèlie. I love having a daughter! It's so much fun being a father and Adelaine is such a good mother to her. A big happy family, how nice! Our home is two blocks away from Adelaine's parents' home. Although we have become famous actors, we have decided to limit the acting offers that we have so the two of us can spend time with our daughter, as well as have a lot of time to be alone as Husband and Wife. I open my eyes and yawn, stretching and sitting up, the covers falling to reveal my six-pack abs. I notice that Adelaine is still asleep and reach over to kiss her cheek.
I need to go check on Amèlie. I should see if she's up or not. With Adelaine still asleep, I lift the covers from my side of the bed and quietly leave our bedroom. I walk down the hallway and to Amèlie's room. My sweet daughter is awake and smiling at me. I pick her up and rock her. She giggles at me and I kiss her head. Amèlie coos at me a bright "Da-Da!". Then, after a few moments of me rocking her, she coos "Mama!" and then I turn to see Adelaine standing there. I step over to her, noticing that she is in her pink silky sexy robe. Adelaine hugs both of us, kissing me and then kissing Amèlie on the head.
"Does she need her bottle?" I wonder.
Adelaine nods. "I have it right here."
"Look sweetie, Mommy has your bottle!" I coo to her, which Amèlie lets out some babyish laughter at.
Adelaine takes her and hugs her, showing the bottle. She gives Amèlie the bottle, who happily accepts.
"I'm going to make some breakfast and coffee! I'll be in the kitchen." I say.
"Okay. We'll probably come after she's finished with her bottle." Adelaine replies.
I walk over to the kitchen, heading downstairs. I go to the coffee pot and switch it on, which allows it to start brewing our coffee. I decided to make toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast. I put toast in the toaster and grab a pan to cook the eggs. I hum as I get the carton of eggs, cracking two or three eggs over the pan as it heats. I get a tool to scramble the eggs, continuing to hum. I hear footsteps and peek through the window in the kitchen to see Adelaine and Amèlie sitting in the living room. My wife got out her daughter's toys, handing her a stuffed bunny to play with. She giggles and the two begin to play. I turn back to the toast, panicking before I burn it. I take it out and discover that it's perfectly golden brown. I focus on the eggs, scrambling them until they become fluffy. It's still a few minutes though, we can't eat raw eggs.
I'm just about to sprinkle in some salt and pepper when my phone rings. I leave it charging on the kitchen counter at night. I pick it up and notice that it's from my acting manager, Nate James. It's a little early for him to be calling. Well, it must be important. I answered his call.
"Hello? Nate? It's- I'm cut off by a yawn -a little early to be calling."
"I know and I'm sorry about that, but it's urgent." Nate hums.
"Urgent? What has happened?" I query.
"It concerns your father." He said bluntly.
I am shocked. "Him?! What has he done? My Dad hasn't been in my life in years, why should I care?"
"It concerns you, and the things he's said about your mother, and even Miss Adelaine," Nate says.
"My mother? That bastard has no reason to talk about her!" I exclaim.
"Yes. You see, your estranged father wrote this book, about your relationship, Adelaine, pretty much anyone you associate with." He explains.
"Nate, this is crazy! I feel like my blood is boiling... this can't get worse, can it?" I mutter, trying to focus my anger on scrambling the eggs.

Criminal Case Oneshots
AléatoireHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...