Pen Pals

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A oneshot for BF_1352

Eliza's POV

I'm standing here waiting in an airport queue to get our bags along with my girlfriend. I'm surprised that the paparazzi or a fan has not stopped us by now. I mean, when you date Vanna Alabama there are always problems with people stopping us while we're just trying to live our lives. I know people like her music but can't we be left alone? We were just arriving back in the UK and England from a trip to the US. I was about to text my little brother Elliot and my little sister Esther to pick me up when I saw them in person. I didn't even tell them that I had gotten here yet or that my plane landed. I am filled with child-like excitement. My sister and brother, I haven't seen them in two months, in person at least, are here!

"What's got you so excited?" Vanna inquires, chuckling at seeing my happiness.

"My brother and sister are here!" I reply.

"Really? They're here? Already? They must've tracked you down or something." She responds, still laughing.

"I wouldn't put it past their techie brains to have done so, but they wouldn't disrespect my privacy like that," I say.

Vanna gently nudged me and went to walk over to the baggage claim, noticing that our bags were finally coming around. I follow her and grab my bag and suitcase. I sling my bag over my shoulder and set my suitcase on the ground so I could roll it behind me. Vanna gets her big suitcase. I ask if she needs help and she shakes her head, setting her suitcase on the ground and rolling it behind her. I point out my sister and brother to her and she says that we should talk to them. I pulled my suitcase behind me and rushed over to my siblings. It seems like Elliot came for other reasons based on the sheer amount of people he was talking to. He noticed me, however, and stopped everything, going to hug me. I hug him back and grab Esther to join in the hug. Lauren's here too. Elliot informs me that the Pacific Bay Police Department and the Bureau were trying to solve something and just met to start investigating. He also introduced the people standing there, which was intriguing. This Russell Crane sounds familiar. I recognize that name from somewhere...

"Elliot, is that really you?" Jack asks.

"Yeah... it's me... I know I changed my hair and I got a new outfit, but it's still me." Elliot replies.

"Wow, it's just so weird to see you in white, Elliot," Jack remarks.

I hear a gasp from the group. "Mom, look! It's Vanna Alabama!"

I glance over at Vanna. Vanna laughs. A kid pushes his way through the crowd, dragging Miss Carmen Martinez behind him. Vanna's face brightened as she noticed the boy.

"Well, if it isn't Sanjay from the Mount Rushmore show I did!" Vanna beams.

"Oh my god, you remember me? This is awesome." Sanjay exclaims.

"It's just Vanna Alabama, Sanjay. Calm down. She doesn't need to be bothered by you like she probably does every day." Elliot pipes up.

"You're only saying that because she's your girlfriend, Elliot." Sanjay retorts.

Elliot blushes and then glares at the boy.

"She isn't my girlfriend. I don't even really like her music anymore... besides, she's my sister's girlfriend." Elliot replies.

"That's your sister? But she's speaking in an American accent." The blonde-haired Amy says, confused.

"Your sister is so beautiful," Jack mumbles, causing me to tighten my grip on Vanna's hand.

"For starters, I'm a lesbian. Second, Vanna is actually my girlfriend because Elliot is dating Lauren." I huff.

"Really? That's cool. Lesbians are awesome." Hannah, the PBPD tech expert grins.

"But why the American accent? It's interesting that a Brit would prefer to speak with an American accent." Dr. Russell Crane interrogates.

"It's easier this way. Men don't hit on me as much. People think that I'm flirting when I use my natural accent. I'm not flirting with people but they think I am due to the accent so I use an American accent instead." I explain.

"Why, that's intriguing... you know, you look familiar." Russell murmurs.

"You do look familiar too," I murmur back.

"Hold up, Mister Clayton, where did you get that hat?" Dr. Crane questions.

"My beanie? My sister, Eliza, gave it to me." Elliot answers.

"And who did you get it from?" Russell queries.

"Me? I got it from my pen pal when I was younger, he was from Pacific Bay and I really liked talking to him." I reply.

"I had a British pen pal when I was a kid... but that was my hat. I was the one who owned it first, I put that magnifying glass pin on it, the girl I gave it to put the scissors pin and he must've added that skull pin." He reveals.

"Wait, are you from Ivywood Hills? The one with the Utopian Cult?" I ask.

"Yes... I am, that's me." Russell says.

"Did you have a pen pal named Eliza? From Cheltenham?" I query.

"I did! Wait... Eliza is that you??" He wonders.

"Oh my goodness, Russell, it's you!" I cheer, going in for a hug but pausing. "Is it okay if I give you a hug?"

"Yes. You can- Russell glances over at Amy, who nods -I don't mind. We haven't seen each other for so long!"

I hug him. He hugs back. That feels good.

"We haven't spoken in years, we've got so much to catch up on!" I hum, excited.

"Also, I am not involved with the Utopians anymore. I couldn't contact you anymore because I left and lost my way of communication with you." Russell returns.

"I'm glad that you left. It seemed like a bad thing to be involved with. How are things with Amy going?" I say, watching Russell blush.

"Oh, we're married." He said softly.

"Really?! Wow, congratulations! I'm happy for you! But I have to ask, what brings you here to Cheltenham?" I inquire.

"We're investigating a string of murders! A convict escaped from our prison and he has come here, so we requested the Bureau's help!" Dr. Crane explained.

"But there's no Historian to help you guys," I mutter.

"They won't have to worry about that. I'm the new Bureau Historian!" Lauren pipes up.

"Really? I bet you're happy about that, aren't you Elliot?" I retort, giggling.

"I am. Means I get to spend more time with her." Elliot responds, kissing Lauren's cheek.

"We should grab a coffee and catch up on all the years we've missed being apart, you were one of my best friends," Russell says.

"Yes, that would be nice." I return.

"Did you get over your fear of men?" He asks bluntly.

I blush. "Yes. And I wouldn't call it a fear! I was just uncomfortable around men."

"How long ago did this pen pal thing happen? I don't remember having one." Elliot wonders.

"It was before you were born, Elliot," I state.

"We've got word that there's been another murder, we have to go- Amy comes over to hug Russell -You'll have to have that coffee later."

"Now, that's okay. I've got bags to unpack!" I respond, laughing.

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