My Apologies, Miss Holloway

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A oneshot for Historval

Evie's POV

I am sitting in my library, looking out of the window. The airship has a wonderful view of the Concordian horizon and cityscape below. It's beautiful. Although, it is distracting me from my task. I need to go through my records and books and organize them again. I step away from the window and walk over to the closest bookcase. I had everything organized in alphabetical order based on the author, but sometimes things get out of place. I'm known to be scatterbrained so sometimes things get put back in the wrong place or lost in the room. I start to work, pulling a ladder over to get to the top shelf. I pull the first book off of the shelf, starting with the author's last name that started with 'A'. I continue to work, organizing the books. The author, Barbara Coldwell was out of place. I picked up her first book, the first issue of Pistols And Petticoats, and went to put it in the right place. However, I heard the distinct sound of paper rustling and pages of a book being turned.

Normally, when someone comes into my library, they announce themselves so that they won't spook me. I'm prone to being startled. I put down the article in my hand and turned around. I was surprised at what was before me. There was a woman who I was unfamiliar with walking around my library. She is picking up books and flipping through the first few pages, then putting it back. The woman's back is behind me and then she turns around and we meet eyes. I froze. I wanted to confront her but I was distracted by the beauty of the woman. She had black hair, brown skin, and brown eyes. She had red nails and red lipstick. The gorgeous woman was wearing a brown jacket and a violet vest. So pretty... but why is she here in my library? I doubt it was to see me.

"What are you doing here? Why are you snooping around in my library?!" I exclaim.

"I'm just looking around, you have such an extensive collection of books, I'm intrigued." The woman replies.

"What's your name? Why are you here? Don't you dare touch one of my books! If you do, there will be some serious consequences!" I reply, getting angry with her.

"Aww, you're so angry. Aren't you just a darling little thing?" The woman returns.

"I'll show you how much of a 'darling' I am if you touch one of my books again! You'll be hurt!" I retort.

"I see that the kitten has claws! You know, I admire that kind of spirit in a woman." She responds.

"Get out of my library, you don't have permission to be here!" I snarl.

"I was just hoping to see how the Flying Squad was investigating the recent murder." The woman hums, her voice sickeningly sweet.

"What is your name?! I'm going to report you to our boss so you can never set foot on this airship again!" I reply.

"My name is Katherine Woolf, I'm an up-and-coming journalist. You will hear from me again!" The woman introduces, taking some steps to where she was standing in front of me.

Wow. She is pretty. If it was under better circumstances... I would be ecstatic if a woman as beautiful as her came into my library in any other circumstance, but she's snooping around, trying to gain access to information she's not allowed to have. And I've had a look at the case files, I know that she's a suspect in this murder!

"No, I won't! You... you aren't supposed to be here!" I stammer, nervous that she's this close to me.

"You like me, don't you? I can tell that you want me to stay... I find it hard to find people who swing the way I do." Katherine teases.

I feel my heart start to beat faster and my cheeks go red.

"Um... t-that isn't true! I don't like people who trespass in my library!" I stutter.

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