Big Secret

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A oneshot for authoroftrixie

Mia's POV

I shiver as I sneak into my Dad's bedroom. He's at work but I still feel like I'm being watched by doing this. I guess that's what happens when you are doing something that you aren't supposed to. Nothing bad will happen but I feel all nervous about doing this. I grab the keys from his bedside and leave, heading outside. He's at work, he works for the Grimsborough Police Department, and he took his squad car to work, so his personal car is in the driveway. I get into the car and unlock it, sitting down in the driver's seat. I rest my foot on the gas pedal and slowly pull out of the driveway. I am trying to learn how to drive and I feel the most comfortable in his car. Although he hasn't given me permission to drive the car without him being there, I just want a little more practice. I drive over to my boyfriend's house and park outside. I walk to the door and happily knock. My boyfriend, Julian Ramis, answers. As soon as he sees me, a smile forms on his face.

"Hi Mia! Did your Dad give you permission to go out for a drive by yourself?"Julian asks.

"He hasn't given permission to me, I've just grabbed the keys. Why don't we go to the mall and drive around the parking lot? They're normally pretty quiet and empty at this hour." I explain.

"Well... I guess that you have to take the car yourself if he's going to be that stubborn. I'd be happy to join you though." He replies.

"Come on, I'm excited! It's going to be so much fun!" I beam, taking his hand and then bringing him over to the car.

I get back in and sit down, buckling my seatbelt. Julian gets into the passenger seat and buckles up. I pulled out of the place where I parked. I drive to the mall and then pull into the parking lot. Ah, plenty of empty space and poles to manuever around.

"It's weird seeing this place so deserted." Julian remarks.

"I agree, it's always bustling with people. It almost feels scary to see a place that is always busy, so desolate." I agreed.

I start driving around the empty parking lot of the mall. The car moves smoothly under my control. I think I've really become an excellent driver. I am pleased with my progress and performance.

"Mia, did you dye your hair again?" Julian queries.

"I did. I added some purple highlights to the pink hair!!! Do you like it?" I respond, happy that he noticed it.

"I do like it- He reaches a hand out and caresses my cheek -it really brings out those pretty blue eyes of yours."

I giggle. "You're so sweet."

"I know- wait! Mia, watch out there's an animal!" Julian exclaims, pointing to something out of the windshield.

I turned my head to the window and there was a big deer in front of the car. It was a huge buck. I don't want to hit the poor animal so I swerve out of the way. I grab the steering wheel and turn it harshly. The car swerved and the deer spooked, running off. It thankfully ran in the direction that the car wasn't moving. However, we weren't exactly unscathed. The car slams head first into one of the many lamp post poles. The post cracks and Julian screams. We quickly unbuckle and then get out. I scramble to get away and Julian backs off, the post falling down on top of the car, crushing the roof. I trip in my escape and fall down, scratching my leg in the process. I wince and sit up, trying to see what my injury was. There was a three inch scratch that was bleeding. Julian hurries over to me, taking my hand and then helping me up. I get to my feet and look at the car. I bite my lip, the car looks like it is definitely totaled. Julian, on the other hand, looks freaked out. He runs a hand through his hair and begins to sweat. I could've sworn I heard him mutter an "Aww shit..." under his breath.

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