A Oneshot for LilyLim9
Alessia's POV
I've been wanting to talk to David about something, but I don't really know how to bring it up. He looks like he's got something on his mind as well, but I don't have a clue what that could be. You see, Alex and Cathy gave birth to their second child recently, a beautiful baby girl named Lexi, and I was starting to feel a little envious of their baby. I want a baby. I want a family. I want to be able to raise kids and have a family, I especially would like to have a family with David. I wouldn't want to have one with anyone else. I was lying on the couch, pondering these thoughts. What would I name them? Of course, I would ask him for name ideas. Would I prefer a girl or a boy? Huh, I don't think I would care. As long as I could hold them in my arms, that would be perfect. I hummed as I was thinking and then I heard the noise of footsteps. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced up and smiled. I noticed David. He kissed me on the forehead. I guess he was finished doing his chores. I giggled and he smiles.
"Hi, Alessia! I finished folding the laundry and I put all of our clothes away in their proper places. I was wondering if you would want to maybe start dinner?"- David says, a goofy little grin forming on his face.
"Oh, that's fine with me. I was probably going to come upstairs to ask you what you wanted to eat anyway! What are you thinking about having? What are you wanting to eat? And do you want to make it together? It would be easier on my half and it would be fun."- I reply.
"I didn't mean it like that. I didn't mean it to sound like I was just going to let you slave away in the kitchen! Of course, I would help! Although I uh, haven't exactly thought of what we could have."- He replies.
"I know that you would never mean it like that David. However, I thought this might happen and I thought about some things that we could have beforehand."- I reply.
This excited David. He is so adorable!
"Well, what are your ideas? I will gladly listen to them."- David replied.
"I could whip up a few quick quesadillas or if you aren't feeling that we could always have sandwiches."- I reply.
"That sounds delicious. I'd be fine with quesadillas."- He replies.
"Ah. Let me get started on that."- I reply.
"Let me help you too!"- David replies.
"You can help by getting out cheese. Get whatever type of cheese you want on your quesadilla. I'll put it on a tortilla. I'm sure that we have some somewhere."- I reply.
"It's tortillas. We definitely have some."- He replied, letting go of my shoulder and walking into the kitchen.
I get up from the couch. I walk into the kitchen and David was already searching through the fridge. I went over to the counter and started searching through the cabinets for tortillas. I found some tortilla shells. Perfect. I take a package of them out of the cabinet and slam it on the counter. David shuts the fridge door and then places a few types of cheeses on the counter. He usually wants American cheese or mozzarella. What's with all the cheese? I'd just use plain old American cheese. I take the plain American cheese and mozzarella from his hands, saying that the rest was not needed. He blushed from embarrassment. The rest of the cheese was put back into the fridge.
I grabbed two tortillas, saying that if either of us wanted seconds that I would make more later. I kissed his cheek and then asked David what type of cheese he wanted. He replied that he wanted mozzarella. Like always. I decided that I would have American cheese. I need a pan and I need aluminum foil. I ask David to please get me a pan and some aluminum foil. He got me some and I thanked him. I put the foil on the pan and then placed the two tortillas on the pan. I had the oven already preheating. I continued to hum the song I was humming earlier. I grabbed the cheese and sprinkled the mozzarella cheese on David's tortilla and then sprinkle the American cheese on my tortilla. I sprinkle some Italian seasoning and a little pinch of garlic powder. I smiled, placing them into the oven. I leave the oven door slightly open. They only need to cook for a few minutes and it would be best to watch them.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...