Promise Me To Never Do It Again, Alright?

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A oneshot for MonAmiess

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm lying in bed, still recovering from the deep stab wound to the chest dealt to me by Captain Shafra. Almost dying is hard on the body. Amy has been super nice and caring while I am recovering. The stab wound is pretty deep so it's taken me a long time to recover but with Amy and the team at my side, it's been shorter than I expected. I think I have one more day and I'll be okay! I've been sleeping so much lately that I think my sleep schedule is messed up. Amy came into the room, I checked my watch and it was getting into the evening. I smile at the woman before me as she comes over. Amy kisses me and then sits next to me.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"It was boring, but I suppose that that's a good thing," Amy replies.

"How so, Amy?" I query.

"We were just sitting around. There were no more time disturbances. It's not any fun just sitting around doing nothing... but that means we aren't scrambling around to fix time." She explains.

"I'm sorry that you were bored." I retort.

"And what? You were bored relaxing all day, (Y/N)?" Amy teases.

"Yes. It can be surprisingly boring here in bed, watching the same old shows and reading the same books." I reply.

"If you need some new entertainment, I can get you some." She offers.

"No. It's okay... but you know, Amy, I've been feeling much better." I hum.

"You have? I'm so happy for you, (Y/N)!" Amy coos, hugging me.

I laugh. "Yes. I'll be happy to get out of this bed!"

"You'll have to talk to Chief Scott about returning to work... but I would have Janis or Theodore check you out first." She suggests.

"I can do that if that would soothe you," I reply.

"That would make me feel a lot better than you just throwing yourself into work," Amy said. "But I would prefer it if you rest more."

"I can't rest forever." I retort.

"If you are recommended for your overall health, you would, right?" She challenges.

"I would, however, I would also like to continue to do my job. Nothing is going to stop me from doing what I'm supposed to be doing." I argue.

"I don't want to argue with you, love, but I just care a lot about you. My best purpose in life is to protect you, (Y/N)." Amy promises, kissing my head, and then walks away.

She wanders into the bathroom and after a few seconds, I hear the shower running. Amy has changed into her undergarments, her bra, and underwear a nice dark maroon red. Damn, Amy is gorgeous. She smirked at me and then went back into the bathroom, supposedly showering. I can't wait till I get my chance to join her in the shower.

The next morning, I got ready earlier than normal. Amy was already ready, sipping from an iced latte. She asks if I was ready to get checked out by Janis or Theodore. I nodded and we headed to their labs. Janis wasn't in her lab but when we went to Theodore's lab, she was there with him, enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Her eyes lit up when she saw us.

"Hello, Amy and (Y/N)! How are you doing on this fine morning? Well, I hope." She greets.

"(Y/N) was just hoping you would look at her," Amy answers for me.

"Is your wound hurting worse than it normally does?" Theo inquires.

"Not at all. It's been feeling much better than it normally has. I think that means that it's been healing, right?" I reply.

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