A oneshot for AwesomePinerin
Elliot's POV
My daughter has a new obsession. She's been listening to this one American singer and actress, Adelaine Anderson. Lorelai has been listening to music constantly and always talks about her music and other media. I know that she loves her stuff so I bought something for her as a surprise. Her spring break is coming up and she's been talking nonstop about this concert. I looked it up on the internet and apparently, this Adelaine was part of this band, the Lucille Baillers and this band is having some reunion concert. This girl and her husband, Hugh Anderson, are household names. They are the face of their hometown. Some place called Grimsborough. I never heard of it until Lorelai got this interest. It's an interesting place... although I'm not sure it's exactly safe. There are a lot of murders there, I read a lot of articles. I'll keep Lorelai close to me when we take her there.
Yeah. That's the surprise. I'm taking my daughter and my wife to Grimsborough to see the Lucille Baillers reunion concert. I already have everything prepared. I bought the tickets for the concert. I bought reservations for the hotel. I even got a plane ride to go across the pond. Now, all I have to do is surprise her. Lauren is very excited about the trip too. She's happy about how happy our daughter is about to be. She is literally the best mom ever. So happy for our daughter! Not to make it seem like I'm not happy about this. I'm excited too. I just really want to see her face when she sees the surprise. I walk over to Lorelai's room and pause. Lauren's next to me.
"Are you ready to surprise, Lorelai?" Lauren asks.
"Ready? I've been ready!" I retort.
She laughs. "Aww. You're so sweet. You get softer each day."
"I... I haven't gotten soft... I'm just doing something nice for our daughter. Not to mention that this is a vacation for us too." I huff.
"Well, don't be too cold that she hears you before you can even surprise her!" Lauren whispers.
"I won't. I think we should both shut up now." I reply.
She shot me a look, glaring at me. I just smirk but make the look fade as we go into our daughter's room. Lorelai was on her phone and by the pattern she was nodding her head to, she was listening to a Lucille Baillers song. I sit down on her bed and Lauren sits down next to me. She looks up and puts her phone away, also taking out her earbuds.
"Hey, Dad! Hi Mom!" Lorelai hums.
"Hello, darling! We have a surprise for you." I reply.
"A surprise? Ooh! What is it?" She replies.
"I'm not going to spoil the surprise and tell you right away," I say.
"Close your eyes, love, and Dad will give you the surprise, then you can open them," Lauren instructs.
Lorelai nods and her eyes close. I pull out the envelope with the concert tickets from my pocket. I place the envelope in her hand and then tell her to open her eyes. A confused look forms on her face.
"You got me the mail?" She asks.
I laugh. "No, silly goose! It's what's in the letter, open it up."
Lorelai opens up the envelope and struggles with how it was stuck together. I reach into my pocket and pull out a pocket knife and offer to open it for her. She shakes her head and then she manages to open it. Her fingers grab the tickets and she takes them out. I see her eyes read the words 'Lucille Baillers' and then 'Admit one for Reunion Concert'. Her eyes widen and she looks at me.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...