Act Without Expectation

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A Oneshot for Chelsea_Anna6509

AN: Here's something short for your weekend! :)

Adelaine's POV

I wipe a tear from my eyes. The trial of the old theatre department president was over. They got sentenced to sixty years in prison for multiple charges. We left the courtroom and the air was dismal. It is dark and it's raining heavily. My parents and the rest of the theatre department follow me out of the Grimsborough courthouse. The press was outside and taking pictures of everything. I twirl a strand of my long blonde hair with anticipation. Chief Parker and Principal Gwardieza had speeches to give but I was supposed to give a statement as well. I was a little nervous to give something like that in front of that many people but I'm sure that I could do that. You can do that. I've never said anything in front of the press before but I got some advice from Dad about how to do so. I had some things written down that I wanted to say on a piece of paper. I listened to both of their speeches intently. Chief Parker was more matter of fact but Principal Gwardieza gave me a lot of praise in her speech. She proudly spoke of me. They had found the perfect candidate as president that would restore light in the theatre department. That person was me! To think that I will be the first female president, the first modern one at that, I don't think the department has had a Swiss-American president either. She announces that I was willing to make history and break boundaries. Hugh was sitting next to me, holding my hand. His thumb was gently caressing my palm. Principal Gwardieza closed her statement by addressing me as "The Honorable Miss Adelaine Jones.". Hugh kisses me on the cheek and pops open an umbrella. I was wearing a black pinstripe blazer, a white blouse underneath it, pants of the same color, thin tights, and black heels. A black winter coat is over all of this. Hugh was matching with me. Oh, he's so adorable! I adjust my cute and trendy glasses and re-read my notes. Glancing down at the shiny theatre department pins, mine says 'President' and Hugh's says 'Vice President', pinned to my shirt. You can do this, Adelaine! I take a deep breath and step up to the podium. I dedicate this speech to my family and friends, especially Diana though.

Now I can begin my speech. I tap the microphone to make sure that it's working and it hums in response, signaling that it's working. I begin speaking. I started off my speech by giving my thoughts on the trial. I had a few choice words for the old theatre department president. I don't mean to toss in my own personal opinions, but I do. I called them 'heartless', 'an unhuman human', and 'disgraceful'. The crowd, however, agreed with me with cheers and claps. Hugh pats me on the back and smiles reassuringly at me. I smile back at him and continue my speech. I say that being the theatre department's president is a blessing and a huge opportunity. Of course, I address everyone's worries by saying that Hugh and I's top priority was everyone's safety. After all, theatre is a place where anyone can express themselves with hope and no fear. I spoke for a few more minutes but I can't speak all day, so I have to close my statement somehow. I'd been thinking it over for a bit and decided to close my little speech with this, something that can inspire everyone: "A strong woman stands up for herself, a stronger woman stands up for everybody else. We do not go by the rule book because we lead from the heart but not the head. The success we make is making a difference, I am a proud young woman who lifts many women in theatre. We continue to inspire many little girls out there including my sister who has many dreams that will soon be fulfilled. As president, I will continue to keep my word to everyone in truth and persevere." After the cheers and clapping died down, I thanked everyone for coming, and then we (Hugh and I) shook Chief Parker and Principal Gwardieza's hands as we posed for a photo. The press coverage was very positive about my presence and speech.

After the photograph, the rest of the theatre department started doing our chant. Although they... modified it. I didn't think they would do that and it was really sweet. They kept on chanting "Victory is white and red, The Honorable Adelaine Jones is making history. Victory is white and red, She is the best president in our generation!" It was a very sweet sentiment. I'll have to thank the person who came up with that! I giggled to myself as I listened to their charade. Sammy and Lexi walk over to me and they both hug me, each twirling a strand of my hair with their fingers. I don't mind that they do that, I do love it when people touch my hair. Sean, William, Jackson, Lily, and Frances give Hugh the same treatment. I guess they were congratulating us. I hear a high-pitched squeal of 'Rosie!' and Diana dashes over. I give her a tight squeeze and she hugs me back. I glanced over and saw my Dad smiling at me. He's always in awe of us when we bond together. I kiss her on the forehead and Dad motions us over. I bid everyone goodbye and then the three of us headed back home, with Dad holding the umbrella as we walked. When we got home, I went upstairs to my bedroom. I walk over to my desk and pick up my journal. I pick it up and lie down on my bed. I scoop up my special sparkle gel pen that I always write in and write out the details of the day out. The entry I wrote was quite long.

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