Helping Hand

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A oneshot for HHYtheking

Mia's POV

I'm sitting in a very busy coffee shop. I'm sitting in the window seat, texting on my phone. I have it on vibrate so I can hear my incoming messages. I'm waiting for someone and am waiting for them to text me when they get here. Although, I hope the volume isn't too loud. I hear rustling behind me but don't pay much attention to it since I believe it's just the gentleman behind me leaving. I see him get up out of his booth in the corner of my eye but instead of moving to leave the coffee shop or head over to the big trash can, he comes over to my table.

"Hey! You know, it's very rude to have your volume that loud!" He hissed.

"Sorry, I can turn down the volume," I say.

I turn the volume down and turn my ringer off. The man mutters something about me being an "entitled little girl" and then walks off. While I'm watching him walk off, I see who I'm looking for. Christian Bateman. He's carrying two cups of coffee and what looks to be a plate with a slice of cake on it. How nice of him to order for the both of us. Without thinking, I call out,

"Chrissy, over here!"

I cover my mouth in horror over what I said. He hates it when I call him that in public. He looks shocked and just as scared as I felt. All the customers and workers are staring right at us, especially focusing their attention on Christian. Some looked surprised and others are trying not to laugh at the semi-embarrassing nickname. Christian looks really awkward just standing there. He met my eyes and hastily walked over to me, taking the seat across from me and setting the coffee and cake down. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, Christian," I say softly.

Christian doesn't say anything, simply staring at me. He looked annoyed. Christian begins to sip from his coffee and I begin to eat the lovely coffee cake he brought me. After five minutes of awkwardness, everyone else starts minding their own business and we finally start to chat.

"You look nice today Mia, did you dress up just to get coffee with me?" Christian asks.

"I just felt like it. You look fancy... although that polo shirt looks way too old for you Chrissy, and how you tied that sweater around your neck makes you look like a tennis player from the 80s." I analyze.

"It's old-fashioned, yes, but it's how we in the upper-class dress. It's popular." He replies. "You should wear something like this too, you'd look nice with something other than a T-shirt and jeans."

Before I could come up with a good reply to his remark, my phone went off again. The ringtone of the notification was really loud. Oh no, did I turn it up louder instead of turning it off? The man who accosted me earlier came back, I guess he went to the restroom, and he was glaring at me. I should apologize.

"Sorry." I hum. "I just can't master this phone and how it works, the system is much more complex and different than the lower-priced phone, since this is the newest phone on the market."

The man huffs and rolls his eyes. I go to continue explaining the trouble I've been having with my expensive phone to try and get him to understand but Christian puts a hand on my wrist.

"Mia, stop." He says.

"What? Did I do something wrong? What's bothering you?" I reply.

"I can't really tell you what's wrong but everyone seems to be irritated at your response, so I would just shut up and enjoy your cake," Christian replies.

I peek at the people around me. They did look pretty annoyed. I feel like they're all glaring at me. I listened to Christian's advice and just ate my cake, which was very good. Eventually, people returned to minding their own business. My mind stayed on what happened. I'm sure that I look fine on the outside but I'm feeling a little bummed out right now. How can people get mad at something so small and insignificant? They just can't understand that. I grab my phone and flip it over. The notification that made so much noise was a text from my friend at the Grimsborough Police Department, Cathy Turner. It's just new information about the case we're working on, nothing that I have to look at now.

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