A oneshot for xCherriez
Charles' POV
I open my eyes and sit up in bed. I glance over at the clock on the wall. It's 7:30 in the morning. I turn to the side and am met with my wife's beautiful face. Madeline is so pretty. I reach out and caress her cheek. She's still sleeping. I pull back the covers and get up. I walk over to the window and pull back the curtains. Sunlight was trickling in already, but now that the curtains are open, light flows into the room. I step over to the crib and smile down at the sleeping baby boy in the crib. I hear the box spring creaking but I don't turn around. I stare at the sleeping George, mesmerized by his cuteness. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I grab the hands and Maddie pokes her head around and kisses me on the cheek. She smiles.
"Did he wake you up?" Madeline asks.
"No, I woke up and just couldn't not check on him," I reply.
"So he's just asleep?" She inquires.
"Yes. How did you sleep, Dear?" I wonder.
"I slept wonderfully. How about you?" Madeline replies.
"Good. I sure wish I didn't wake up so early though." I mutter.
"We can do something to make it worth it! What should we have for breakfast?" She responds.
"I'd be okay with anything." I shrug.
"I think I'll cook up some eggs and bacon," Maddie says.
"That's fine with me," I reply.
Suddenly, the baby is up and crying. Madeline scoops him up into her arms and then rocks him back and forth. I ask if I need to go get his bottle and she nods her head, still focused on calming him down. I walked to the kitchen from our bedroom in the apartment we live in. I open one of the cabinets and grab one of his bottles. I put some breast milk from the fridge into it and then heat it up. I hurry back to our bedroom and give it to Maddie. She thanks me and offers the bottle of milk to George. George accepts the milk. He stops crying and begins to drink.
"I'm glad that he's calmed down," I murmur, reaching out a finger to caress George's cheek.
"Yes. He should be fine after his bottle." She returns.
"Good, but I had an idea of something that we could do after breakfast," I reply.
"Really? What is that idea, Charlie?" Madeline questions.
"After breakfast, would you like to head to the park? I figured that it would be a sweet thing for us to do." I query.
"Oh, that sounds like an amazing idea! It'll be so much fun! Do you want to spend the rest of the day there? If we do, we could pack lunch and we can have a picnic!" She beams.
"That doesn't sound too bad, we can do that." I agree.
George finishes his bottle and takes it out of his mouth. He stares at the two of us, giggling until he spits up. Maddie pats his back and burps him. I quickly hurry off to the bathroom adjacent to our bedroom. I grabbed a small towel and came back to Maddie and the baby. I wiped the spit up away and cleaned George up. Maddie finishes burping him and George rests his head against her chest. Madeline kisses George on the head. I kiss him on the head as well. I leave the bedroom and she follows me to the kitchen. We should make breakfast and then plan for the day at the park. Maddie grins and hands the baby over to me, saying that she would prepare breakfast. I kiss her cheek and say that I would help her however I could if she needed me to. I hold George close to my chest and he coos softly. I caress his cheek and he giggles. Maddie grabs two eggs from the fridge and puts a pan on the stove. She turns on the stove and cracks the eggs. Another pan is placed on the stove as she fries up some bacon. I wait patiently and hum a little lullaby under my breath. Little George is lulled to sleep and I smile at the sweet babe. Maddie scrambles the eggs and the bacon sizzles as it fries.

Criminal Case Oneshots
RandomHere is a book about CriminalCase oneshots. I'll probably update on weekends. I will take requests and tend to write whatever comes to mind. Enjoy! -MysticalCatlord If you'd like to request a oneshot, come to my inbox! Please have a title, prompt a...