Comfort On Your Sick Day

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A oneshot for 

Elliot's POV

It's been quite a crazy few months. We were able to find the 'X' that we were looking for and they ended up being the Michelle Zuria we've been in contact with. It's not the craziest thing that's happened though... There was a mole in the Bureau. I don't know what was worse, that someone could even betray the Bureau or that I was accused of murder. It hurt my pride to be accused of murder, especially by my own boyfriend.

Unfortunately because of all of this drama, we're going to be needing a new coroner, since Angela was discovered to be a murderer. I feel bad for Lars, experiencing a heartbreak like that by the person you've loved for years has got to hurt like hell. We've been trying to look for a new coroner and we've finally gotten a look at someone who could fit that spot, a woman named Grace Delaney. However, we're going to have to go to Antarctica to find her.

I shudder at the thought of how cold it's going to be when we get there. I'm quite thankful that I will be in the warmth of indoors. A hand touches my shoulder and I glance up from my thoughts. Yuto is smiling at me, snuggling up next to me as we're about to land.

"Are you okay? You've been staring out of the window during almost all of our flight." He mutters.

"I'm doing just fine... trying to prepare myself for negative degree temperature mentally... I'm not sure how you're going to deal with it if you or Jack or Carmen have to get outside." I mutter.

Yuto softly chuckles, pecking my cheek. "I'll be just fine, I have plenty of layers to keep me warm."

"I hope that we'll be able to just talk to this Miss Delaney and then get on our way to wherever we're supposed to go after Antarctica," I remark.

"I have no idea how long this will take or where this will lead us next... I'm just happy that I get to do it with you! I'm sure we'll be fine with the cold and look pretty cozy in our winter clothes." He agrees.

"Hopefully I brought enough layers," I murmur.

"I'm sure we'll be okay. We shouldn't be there for long." Yuto sympathizes.

I laugh as I think back to our conversation earlier. How ironic the statements seem now. I've been working my ass off to try and get power back to the station we're at. At least I'm not like Yuto, I feel bad that he's running around in the cold trying to tie up the loose ends of a murder. If this cold can cause people to murder I hope that we don't have to stay here much longer. At least we found Miss Delaney. Yuto wanders into the room, sinking into the chair next to me. I look up from the generator, finally restoring power. He's shivering under the coat he's wearing and he looks tired.

"Did you finally get the power back on?" He whispers.

"I did. We'll be getting in contact with the outside world and getting heat soon enough, my love." I reply.

He smiles at me. "I'll be really excited for heat, I didn't think that it was going to be this cold."

"You look like you're freezing your ass off, baby! I don't have anything else to do except watch communications. Did you finish up the investigation?" I hum.

"Jack and I finished everything. We found quite a lot of information about SOMBRA." Yuto answers.

"Oh really? What did you find?" I inquire, moving to have him sit on my lap.

"We think that SOMBRA started in the early 1959s in South America so the second we can get out of here- He coughs and clears his throat -we... we're going to go to Argentina."

"Wonderful. You've done such a great job today, aren't you smart! But we should probably get some sleep. Cuddles under some warm blankets sound nice right about now, yeah?" I coo.

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