I Am Worth His Love

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Sitting on the chair opposite to the officer and the only other person in that room being Seth, Dec felt his throat closing in.

Officer: "Take a deep breath, Mr. Donnelly... You know these questions are important for our case"

Dec nods at that and takes a deep breath in before saying: "Although I don't know how scaring a little kid is important for anything!"

The officer sighs heavily while Seth rolled his eyes at the officer "Told you, this will be tough" he laughs

Dec: "It's not funny"  he snaps

Officer: "No, it's not. My apologies Mr. Donnelly"

Dec: "Call me Dec:

Officer: "Dec, I am sorry. He seemed like a collected kid and I thought... I was wrong. He acts more mature than his age"

Dec: "Don't I know that..."

Officer: You see Dec... my job here is to find the truth. It's tough, my team and I see and live through unimaginable things on a daily basis. Love, family, relationships... they don't matter to us because we are trained and experienced to look beyond all that. I had to ask him everything so that we can know whether would cope-"

Dec: "Then you could have brought a child counselor! Isn't that something you are supposed to do?"

Seth: "Declan... What's done is done. Tony is safe and that's what matters"

Dec: "What if this happens again?! If Anth hadn't pulled him out of that traffic on time..." he leaves it there.

Officer: "I know... and I know it must be hard for you to trust me after that but please, I need your cooperation in this... I cannot go further without that"

Dec takes in a deep breath at that and swallows heavily before asking: "Okay...what do you want to know?"

Officer: "Let's start from the beginning... that day you were kidnapped. What do you remember?';

Dec swallows the lump of panic that rose in his throat and closes his eyes as images flurried across his mind "I- eh, everything was fine until I left that director's house... I mean except what happened in there...eh...I- eh.." he struggles, wringing his crossed fingers that ere on his lap.

Officer: "Take your time...Dec"

Dec chews on his lower lip pathetically as more images bombarded his mind. The panic rises inside of him and he tightens the crossed fingers on his lap, willing his mind to focus on something, anything... unwittingly his thumb brushes on the cold metal on his ring finger and that's what finally pulled him towards the ground, anchoring him, stabilizing him...

I need to do this

Officer: "Mr. Donnelly, are you alright?"

Dec takes the water before him with shivering hands and drinks a mouthful before nodding at him "I am now...sorry, it's just..." 

Officer: "Hard, I know. Do you want me to call your family or friend-"

Dec: "No! I am fine... just give me a sec"

Officer: "Sure..."

Dec nods and takes the glass of water again to drink another mouthful.

Dec:  "I- I was in the car on my way back from that Director when the car suddenly turned away from the main road. I was a bit confused at first but I didn't doubt anything until the road ended. I- I remember being terrified and I asked the driver where we were going but he didn't reply. I- I then tried to call Anth but- but suddenly somebody grabbed me from behind and the car stopped. I remember thrashing hard but there were more people...I remember the shape pain in my ribs and my arms and...the smell of blood... I- I don't know what happened but- but the last thing I remember is feeling something cold being pressed to my- face and I- I remember the fear..." suddenly tears well up inside his eyes as the day became more and more clear inside his head "I thought they were going to kill me... that I wouldn't be able to see Anth agai-"

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