Happily Ever After

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First of all, I apologize profusely for the delay in the update. Things are rather crowded in my life right now, I am not able to get my head or my self around the story🙈
Above given is the Disney end-of-the-night fireworks which are included in a scene almost at the end of this chapter (the spectacle is emotional and mind-blowing 🤩) and the song included in the first few lines of "Happily Ever After" by Jordan Fisher and Angie K, which is the theme song of the Disney Display. It's available in all streaming networks and I reckon the scene will be more imaginable if it's played in the background (especially if it's the Disney Fireworks version)

Let's go...


Ant closes his eyes and deepens the kiss on his husband's lips, desire, and lust overpowering his senses. He pushes Dec down to lay on the bed and straddles him, taking in his lips again.

Both were grinning like idiots and as Ant's hands went below Dec's shirt to caress his sides, the smaller man lets out a gasp and a whimper.

Ant: "You like it, Deccey?" He hums

Dec nods at that, chewing his lips as desire erupted between them, eager to be consumed.

Ant starts trailing kisses all over Dec's face and neck and as he reaches his clothed erection, a smile spreads across his face.

He hurriedly takes off their clothes and the moment he takes Dec into his mouth, after all these times... he hears it... he hears his husband's lust-filled voice moaning out the last name he thought we would:

Dec: "Oh God, Nick... Nick..."


A sharp pain tears through Ant's chest at that and the next moment he finds himself on their bed, sweaty and panting.

He sits up hurriedly and blinks his eyes to let that wretched dream out of his mind.

Dec won't do that... he will not cheat me. He won't forsake my love, for nothing in this world will he do that...

He sighs heavily and turns around to see Tony lying peacefully beside him but Dec... was nowhere near them.

That realization was like a bolt of lightning for Ant who scrambles hastily out of the bed to look around the room in worry. His heart clenches with fear as he couldn't find Dec anywhere.

He hurriedly walks to the adjacent lounge area but Dec wasn't there either and fear hits him like a wave when he finds the bathroom door... closed.


His heart was dashing inside his chest as he hurried towards the bathroom and when he pushes the door open, his legs turns jelly-like with relief to find it empty. But the relief is soon replaced with panic as he cannot find Dec anywhere.

He walks out of the bathroom and was about to go out of the room when he noticed the balcony door open. He felt angry at himself for being stupid and not checking it at first as now as he comes to think about it, it's obvious where Dec is.

Ant slowly walks out to the balcony and as he reaches the doorway, he finds Dec sitting outside on the recliner, buried inside their thick blanket with his Kindle reader held by both his hands. Ant watches that cute image for a short moment and then walks inside.

Meanwhile, Dec was trying his best to suppress the sobs that were threatening him as he read the book he has swiftly grown fond of. Right now, He is staring at an adorable image in the book and the words tug his heart:

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