A Little Dec

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Tony stares at the man now huddled in a corner of the bed, his face buried in the pillow, knees held tight to his chest by making himself smaller than ever.

Tony: "Deccey? Breakfast?"

Dec: "'m not hungry"

Tony places the tray on the table and climbs on the bed to sit closer to the elder man.

Tony: "Eat it?"

Dec doesn't reply to that but buries his face into the pillow

Tony: "You are sad?"

Dec: "Eat something and sleep Tony, leave me alone"

Tony doesn't reply but just lies beside Dec facing the other side. A few seconds later he feels the elder man turning around and tucking Tony to his side.

Dec: "I am sorry"

Tony shakes his head and sits up, prompting Dec to sit up too.

Tony: "You were crying?"

Dec swiftly wipes his tears away and shakes his head "It's nothing...I am fine"

Tony: "Did Nick say something to you? You were crying since he showed you those papers. You didn't eat anything yesterday...and was crying in sleep too. What are they Deccey?"

Dec: "Nothing for you to worry about"

Tony: "I don't like you sad. I am sure Anth won't like it too"

Dec blinks his tears at that "I don't think he cares about me anymore, Tony"

The words seem too alien to his own ears Anth and not caring about me?! How did we come to this?

Tony: "You don't know that! I am sure Anth cares about you! He is coming to save us Deccey!"

Dec felt tears welling up as he stared at the hopeful face of the little boy.

Dec: "I don't think so Tony..."

Tony: "B-ut you told me he will?"

Dec nods "I thought that too. Guess I was wrong...guess he...he had enough and has- given up on me"

Tony: "Anth wouldn't do that!"

Dec bites his lips at that to control a sob and suddenly Tony climbs on his lap and cuddles to Dec's chest.

Tony: "Sorry I asked"

Dec holds him and gulps his sorrow down "It's okay... I just don't know what to do anymore Tony... I just didn't think he will do this"

Tony: "Nick is a liar. Don't trust him?"

Dec: "It's not Nick...Anth is not coming Tony...he doesn't want to do anything with me..."

Tony: "Why not?"

Dec: "I don't know"

Tony: "Anth...doesn't love you?"

That thought was like a stab on the chest for him "I-I don't know..."

Tony: "Maybe Nick lied to him too..."

Dec nods "Nick didn't lie to him, Tony...he broke him, he broke us..."

Tony: "Broke him?"

Dec: "He must have sent that ring to Anth"

Tony's eyes widen at that "Your ring?! Why?"

Dec: "To hurt him...ask him to give up. And he did. He must have tired of fighting Tony...he - he gave up. He gave up fighting for -me. He gave me up"

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