The Sinking Ship

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I am so so sorry for all the waiting. I am back on track and can hopefully update more often and if you haven't yet given up on me, thank you so, so much ❤

The next day, Ant woke up hearing silent whimpers from beside him making him shiver in the early morning chill. He opens his eyes to find Tony in a deep, peaceful sleep but Dec was writhing around in the bed, restless.

Ant gently rubs Dec's cheek in an attempt to wake him up and by sensing Ant's presence and touch upon him, Dec quietens a little bit and turns around to cuddle into Ant's side.

Dec: "-'nth..." He mumbles

Ant: "Deccey, you alright?"

Dec hums at that question and whimpers in his half-asleep state: "Proud"

Ant frowns at that "Proud?"

Dec: "Proud... Anth..."

Ant smiles a little at his adorable husband and asks: "You are proud of me?"

Dec hums again "Anth... should be proud"

Ant: "I should be proud? Of whom?"

Dec: "Anth...proud...of Anth..."

Ant: "I should be proud of me?"

Dec: "Proud... of Anth..."

Ant kisses his head at that and gently caresses his arm

Ant: "Okay... Now, go back to sleep, baby. I am here with you... sleep"

Dec hums again and falls into a restful slumber while Ant stared at his sleeping charge with too many emotions choking him.

His mind takes him back to their college days and it was like a shock has passed through his spine when he was taken back to the day he had found Dec inside one of those stair-cupboards, drugged and unresponsive.

However, that wasn't the memory his mind focused on, but the day after that incident... the words that came out of a mildly sedated Dec, the words still clear inside Ant's mind


Excerpts from Unconditional (You Should be Proud):

Dec pouts at Ant and glares at the food before him, brought by the kind nurse who was trying her best to make him eat it. The poor lady was under the very eyes of her young boss and the last thing she wants is to lose her job which Dec isn't worried about at all.

Nurse: "I promise you it's good. I will be back after my rounds to check on you again. The tablets should be downed by then"

Dec smirks at that "What if I down it in the sink?"

Ant: "I will hang you up the wall"

Dec frowns as the nurse laughs "I will be back"

Ant looks at Dec as he pokes the food with the plastic fork he was given and says: "You will break it"

Dec pouts again and with a disinterested glare, takes a bite and chews. His eyes widen immediately

Dec: "Wow. It's actually nice"

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