Burning Bridges

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Hello everyone, I am genuinely worried about this chapter as this is the core chapter to the whole story and tbh I did make you all wait a lot for this. So no pressure 😂 I am so so sorry if this doesn't reach up to its mark after all those build-ups🙊 or if it just completely shatters your hearts🙈

Here we go.....fingers crossed


Dec listens with a small smile on his face as Tony narrated the whole event animatedly, only stopping to load more chocolates into his mouth.

Tony: "And then he picked me up and you know, lifted me!! I am a big kid eh? Still he did it. He is so strong Deccey! And then we went to a park, right, so Nick won't see us, and we talked a lot. He made me sit on his lap and called me a good lad. That means a good boy, right? He called me a good boy! He is so nice!"

Dec had to laugh at the pure adoration in his voice as he chewed on Jaffa balls, one of his favorite chocolates.

Tony: "And then he gave me that ring because I said you are sad. Oh I forgot! He said he misses you too and promised that he will come to save us! Both of us, Deccey!"

Dec nods at that but this time with tears in his eyes "And then? What else did he say? And how is he? Is he good? Happy? Is he healthy?"

Tony looks at him confused "He wasn't happy Deccey. He was also sad. And he looked tired. But he was nice and strong"

Dec nods at that finding Tony's admiration for Ant too cute for words

Dec: "You really like him, don't you?"

Tony nods at that "He is a hero"

Dec nods and then lets out a chuckle

Dec: "He surely is...what else did he say?" he asks, wanting to hear more things about his husband.

Tony: "He then took me to that sweet shop right, and asked me what chocolates I want. But I only got some money right so I said to him I don't want anything. He then showed me all these and asked me whether I liked them. But I never ate them, it's so costly right. So I told him that and he brought these saying I will like these because you like these. How does he know you like these, Deccey?"

Dec smiles at the beaming kid sadly "He knows me better than anyone. He knows even the silliest thing I care about"

His voice breaks at that and Tony's face falls "You are not happy?"

Dec shakes his head at that "No, no...I am happy. It's just, I miss him so much okay, and I still can't believe we are going to escape you know, that he is near"

Tony: "Told you, Anth will come for us?"

Dec: "You did, smart kid you are"

Tony: "Also, hide that ring okay? Don't show that to anyone"

Dec nods and with a heavy heart puts it inside his jeans pocket when all he wanted was to put it on his finger. As if reading his mind, Tony says "Anth told me to not show anyone"

Dec smiles at that "I know. I won't. You really took his orders word for word didn't you?"

Tony blushes at that and then says shyly "Nobody buys me anything. My mom used to but moms don't count do they?"

Dec's heart tugs at that "Are you saying that Anth is the only one apart from your mam whoever brought anything for you?"

Tony nods at that "All these I have, my shirt, shorts they are all old and, you see.."

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