The Next Step

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Sitting in the back of the taxi cab back home, Dec had to let out an annoyed sigh seeing his slightly younger husband nodding off. His head is repeatedly moving towards the hard frame of the windows, not to mention his jaw which is about to collide with the little head pillowed on his chest, Tony fast asleep on his lap. Ant had taken the little boy from his arms as they got into the cab, claiming that Dec is too tired and needs to get some rest.

Who is the tired one now, Anth?

Dec gently cups Ant's head to maneuver it towards his shoulder and had to smile when Ant gave in without any protest, making himself comfortable in the crook of Dec's shoulder blades. Dec caresses the short hairs beneath his chin and sighs again into them wondering the many ways he can bully his husband into getting some well-needed rest.

He places a gentle kiss on the black tresses and closes his eyes reeling in the comforting scent of vanilla and citrus. He didn't know when he fell asleep but he woke up after what felt like a few seconds to him with Ant shaking him awake.

Ant: "We are home"

Dec blinks at him for a moment and protests with a hum, making Ant smile.

Ant: "You are still in the cab, Scrappy-Doo...come out"

Dec steps out of the car at that and looks around before reaching for Tony  "I will take him in. You pay for the cab"

Ant nods at that and passes Tony to Dec who takes the boy and walks into the house but not before turning around to survey his husband who seemed dead on his feet.

I should do something about this

As he entered the house, he wasn't really surprised to see the number of people waiting in the living room, undoubtedly expecting the details from them.

Simon: "You are back, how did it go?"

Stephen: "Did they find something?"

Dec shakes his head at that: "Not really, they just needed our stories"

Simon: "Did they question Tony?"

Dec nods at that and sighs, before turning to his mother "Mam, can you take Tony to your room? He is really tired"

She smiles at that and reaches for the kid who was blissfully unaware of the things happening around him. Dec watches as she took him to her room and sits on the couch with a sigh.

Dec: "He had a meltdown"

Simon: "What?! How?"

Dec: "The cops asked him whether he will live with the Parslovs again"

Robbie: "They what?!"

Jonny: "How could they ask that to a kid?!!"

Dec shrugs "Beats me"

He sighs again and that's when Ant entered

Ant: "What's with the commotion? Dec, did you take Tony to-"

Dec: "He is with mam. Don't worry"

Ant nods and sits on a chair, visibly tired.

David: "So, they just asked about your part of the story and nothing else?"

Ant shrugs at that "That was pretty much what happened"

Dec notices how Ant was squinting at the light and realizes what was happening.

Dec: "Go and take a shower, Anth. We can fill them up with the details afterwards"

Ant: "What about you?"

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