Wish it was a dream

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Pain.....searing pain in his left arm was what he felt when he woke up and sat up. His first priority was his arm and his heart skipped a beat to see a bloodied kerchief tied around an apparently long gash. His white shirt was full of blood and the sleave up to that gash is torn. Then only did he look around...the cold tiles..windowless room..only light coming from small gaps of ventilation close to the ceiling...memories come back to him, choking him and causing a bone-deep chill to pass through him...only one word repeatedly appeared in his mind...breaking his heart into million pieces... Which he chokes out as a plea...of fear... helplessness... and despair... "Anth..."

Dec stands up and looks around, terrified of the ominous darkness surrounding him. In the tiniest light of the ventilation gaps, he searched for light switches and switch them on. Fear dawns on him as he sees the room, small and dusty with only two doors. Dec hurries to one of the doors and opens it to find a small bathroom. He looks around realising that the other door must be the exit and tries to open it. He pushes and pounds on the door in frustration and his heart stammers hard in his chest as the realisation dawned on him. I am locked in. Somebody is outside and they are keeping me locked inside.Oh God, let this be a dream...let this be a dream...

Rage and helplessness course through him as he pounded hard on the door and shouted loudly

Dec: "Open the door! Who the hell are you! What do you want with me?!! Let me out!! LET ME OUT" He pounds it harder and all of a sudden the door rattles with pressure as somebody from other side hits it and Dec falls down, knocked by that force.

His heart literally sprints in his chest as he hears the lock being removed and the hinges creaking. The heavy wooden door opens with a thud and he felt his breath hitching as a huge figure appeared in the doorway.

He felt tears of panic and fear stinging his eyes as the man leant towards him and as the light hits his face, Dec lets out a gasp!

"Hello Dec....long time..."

Dec: "Y-You?!!"

"Oh, you remember me?! How long it's been? Almost two decades?! You have grown up to be a handsome man...tck tck tck sad that your pretty face won't be smiling anymore..."

Dec felt a huge weight crashing onto him as memories choked his head. He felt fear wrapping his whole body, making it freeze and shiver.

And all his mind screamed out for...all his heart yearned for was the presence of his husband ..the caring arms...soothing words and the scent of safety. He looks at the merciless eyes before him not knowing what to do or what to say. Them man before him gives him a winning smile:

"This is going to be so fun...I don't know what I am going to enjoy more..hurting you or hurting him!"

Hurting him! Hurting Anth... Tears well up inside his eyes as he realised the meaning of his words He wants us to suffer

Dec: "W-why?"

The man huffs "Why? How about the fact that your pretty little husband sent me to jail? You and him both sent my son out of his home country? I want you both to suffer like I suffered...like my son suffered...just think Declan, if I can do this to you...what else can I do...and your pretty little husband is still outside...now how are you going to save him?!!"

Dec felt rage coursing through him as he spits out: "Touch him and I will kill ya!!"

The man suddenly grabs his chin "Don't act smart Donnelly! I have nothing to lose...but I won't give up until I see the fall of the man who sent me to jail...or should I say kid? Who hid behind his dogs thinking I wouldn't find out? I did though... eventually...and since then... I was planning for this day...and when I realised how he has made you his husband...a disgusting thing who once wriggled helplessly in my son's arms...I knew what I had to do...and I will do just that!"

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