Stronger Together

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*Sorry, been busy the past few days🙈*

And, blame wolflv2 for being so cruel that I put off writing my chapter the other day coz hers broke my heart😭💔❤

Thank you for all your votes and comments. I saw some people telling me how well I imagined Disney even if I haven't been there before. So gonna give the secret away: I researched😓. I looked into their tourist map and watched a few POV vlogs of the rides on Youtube😂
I am sure you will enjoy watching them too!

The song given is "Heard you Crying" by Michael Schulte


Ant woke up halfway through that night feeling something heavy on his chest and opens his eyes to find a bunch of brown hairs, in two different shades pillowed beneath his chin.

The lighter hair belonged to Tony who was more or less lying on Ant, whilst Dec had his head pillowed on Ant's chest, his hand wrapped around both Ant and Tony.

Three of them had sat together for a Disney marathon after the dinner, drinks, and popcorn in place. Ant doesn't know when he fell asleep thanks to his tablets although he is convinced that Dec's gentle fingers absently caressing his hair has played a great part too.

Ant slowly caresses Dec's hair and kisses his forehead earning a smile and a hum. Dec flutters his eyes open and Ant feels bad for waking him up

Ant: "Go back to sleep baby..."

Dec hums again and snuggles closer to Ant, rubbing his nose on Ant's T-shirt as if a cute puppy would.

Dec: "You're a'wake"

Ant smiles slightly at that "Nah, I am sleeping"

Dec hums at that "Me too"

Ant: "Good night Declan..."

Dec: "Night Anth...luve youse"

Ant's heart flutters at that and he gently and quietly places a chaste kiss on Dec's lips. Dec in his half-asleep state grins at that and stretches his neck to have one more of it.

Ant felt a huge urge to deepen the kiss affecting him, slightly wondering whether Dec would kiss him back if he did so.

As soon as that desire entered his mind though, he suppresses his vehemently. He cannot take advantage of Dec like that. He cannot disrespect his husband like that.

Instead, he tucks the cover neatly around Dec and pulls him closer to his chest, just pecking his lips once again.

Ant: "Love you too baby"

He then slowly kisses Dec's hair, remembering all that he had heard the previous night. He wished they would open up to him. He wished they would realize how much they mean to him and how much he loves them.

Because to be honest, nothing they did that day gave Ant more joy than seeing their excited faces. And when he fell into another exhausted sleep, all he wished was to have more strength to be there for the two people who mean the world to him.

Hours later, Ant rolled his eyes at his smaller husband in exasperation seeing him stand in front of the mirror, two sunscreens in his hand, torn as to which one to use. Tony was in the bath for the past fifteen minutes, another fifteen, and they will miss the opening show.

Ant: "You both know that we have to reach there before the ceremony starts, don't you?!"

Dec: "Yes Anth, one minute, please! Let me decide!"

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