No Matter What

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I am so grateful for all the comments I got for the previous chapter. I was really worried about publishing that and it means a lot to know that you all enjoyed it as much as I have let you🙊🙈

I think there has been a lot of angst and heartbreak for long so buckle up for a 'rather' fluffy ride❤


Dec snapped his eyes open and turns around to take in the all familiar scent again but his heart skips a beat and a chill passes through him as he found himself all alone in that room, the walls and floor covered in blood smears, the knife Tony has used to threaten the man thrown carelessly on the floor, covered in blood. And so were his hands, so was the bed...on which he was lying stark naked.

He sits up horrified and his heart stills inside his chest to see Nick sitting across the room, the beautiful platinum band held between his thumb and forefinger

No! This can't happen...this is not happening...this is not happening...I am dreaming, I am sure I am dreaming. Anth was here...he is here... Tony?! No! No! No!!!!

Nick's lips grow to form an evil smile and tears erupt inside Dec's eyes.


Nick: "You really thought that little knife can stop me?"

He licks his lips and nausea erupts inside Dec

Nick: "It was great, having you where I wanted after all years... didn't quite work like you hoped it would, did it? Sad...but well, turns out you can actually betray him. How does it feel Declan? How does it feel baby?"

No!! No, no! No! No!!!!

Suddenly he opens his eyes with a gasp and blinks at the sudden change of brightness. He feels caring fingers on his hair and adjusts his view to see the kind face of his mother.

Dec: "M-am..."

Anne Donnelly wipes her welled up eyes and nods slowly. Dec tries to sit up to hug her but she stops him from doing that and gestures to the IV stand beside her. He carefully sits up, leaning to the headboard, suddenly feeling tired and weary.

Dec: "W-hat 'appened?"

Anne D: "Oh kidda, do you remember anything?"

Dec: "Anth...found us...we hugged and...and..."

Worry fills inside his chest as he fails to recollect what happened after that prompting his mother to rub his arm lovingly.

Anne D: "Hey, it's okay. You blacked out, kidda. Twice. It's completely normal that you forgot things. Doctor said it's because you were tired and exhausted. You been through a lot didn't you?"

Yet again tears fill inside her eyes and this hurts Dec

Dec: "I am fine, mam...don't cry"

She sighs heavily at that and the says with a small smile  "You never make anything easy do you? Really know how to give us all a proper fright. And not to mention the panic you put Anthony through! Cut him some slack, will you?"

Dec's heart skips a beat at that "Mam, where-"

His mother doesn't let him finish the sentence and gestures to the other side of his bed. And there was Ant, fallen asleep on an armchair with his one hand resting on the bed suggesting how he must have fallen asleep holding Dec's hand and the other holding a heap of heavy blankets to his chest, on top of which he has rested his head.

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