I Love You All

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*I asked you to rate in the last chapter as I wanted to know how far I can take this story🙈🙈🙈 Thank you for all those who rated the plot ❤️❤️❤️🥰*


Ant was sitting on the dinner table with the map still before him, earning disapproving glances from Pat.

He doesn't lift his head from the lines he has marked as he asks "What?"

Pat: "Robbie and Simon are looking at that"

Ant: "So?"

Pat sighs "Get some food into you"

Ant: "Five more minutes"

Pat: "Another five more minutes and it will be half hour since I asked you to have your dinner"

Ant: "Keep it aside. I will have it later"

Pat: "Now!"

Ant lifts his head and scowls at her

Pat: "A bit more respect for your sister -in- law?"

Ant's face falls at that as he closes the map "I am sorry"

Pat sighs and places the food before him and caresses his hair

Pat: "I understand. And I have received more than enough death stares from you cutey-cuddly husband"

Ant laughs at that and Pat's heart tugs in her chest. So she sits beside him as he eats his food

Pat: "You know he used to annoy me the most?! Because he is the youngest, he was somehow convinced that us sisters are his servants! The little thing will sit on a chair and order us around since he was a kiddo. Proper nightmare he was"

This brings another smile on Ant's face and Pat feel her heartstrings breaking inside her How could someone do that to them! How could god torture two people who love each other this much?

Ant: "He is a bossy little thing, isn't he?"

Pat nods affectionately, mesmerised by how a simple reference of Dec can bring smile on Ant's face.

That was when Robbie entered carrying some files in his hands.

Robbie: "Come to the living room. We got the  names of all the abandoned buildings close-by"

Pat: "No. He is eating"

Robbie: "But-"

Pat: "No"

Ant makes a face as Pat glared at him and basically inhaled the whole food, eager to get out of her clutches.

She could only look in exasperated affection as the younger man tried his best to not to disrespect her. She knows that if it was her youngest brother in that position, he would have thrown the plate away and stormed out of the room. And that thought brings tears into her eyes which she blinks away hurriedly.

Ant follows Robbie to the living room with the map and watches as Robbie marked every suspicious buildings around.

Ali: "But the cops said that they didn't find anything?"

Ant: "They must have missed something. Because as I said these are all dead ends. There is now at they took him outside the city.

David: "Maybe they changed the car and took him away afterwards?"

Ant: "Why do that? They could easily go anywhere other than this. It's because they know somewhere here is a safe place for them. Safer than travelling around a city which is constantly petroled"

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