Once Upon a Fantasy Land

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***I have altered some aspects of the Disney World Resort for the plot's sake in the upcoming chapters, including the timings, obvious long queues, views from their resort and peculiarities of both the VIP and fastpass+ reservations***


The next day Dec woke up to a loud shrill and a long shush. He rubs his eyes and walks to the bathroom to see Tony in the bathtub, his face glowing with excitement while Ant was standing beside him, still in his nightwear that is drenched from top to toe.

Dec: "What's happening here?" He croaks resulting Ant to roll his eyes and huff.

Ant: "Looks like I shouldn't have spent much on Disney! Look at him!"

Dec laughs seeing Tony flapping the water in excitement, a wide-toothed grin stuck on his face.

Dec: "Good morning"

Ant: "Good, is it?" Ant asks showing his drenched form and making Dec giggle.

Dec: "You look like a wet puppy"

Ant: "Oh wow, thank you very much"

Dec: "It's a compliment, Ant. When are we setting out?"

Ant: "Once you girls get ready. I have made the breakfast reservation"

Dec: "Smart"

Ant: "I try to"

Half an hour later, they were all dressed and Dec found himself before the cabinet mirror on their bathroom, as the dressing table was occupied by an over-excited Tony who has half-emptied Ant's brand new hair gel.

Ant: "Never thought I would meet someone like you ever again! That's a true copy out there" he says entering the bathroom and searching the cabinets.

Dec giggles at that, which then turns to an appreciative grin as Ant pulled out their FA box to fish out some bandages.

Without any explanation, he pulls Dec to sit on the edge of the ceramic bathtub and kneels before him to take his hand.

Dec: "The bathroom is small, don't you think?"

Ant: "You never cease to amaze me with your humility, darling"

Dec laughs at that which soon fades as he sees the pain inside Ant's eyes whilst examining the wound that is slowly healing.

The guilt inside those blue orbs was too much to take in for Dec, who cheekily starts playing with Ant's quiff, making the taller man grimace and be distracted from what he was doing.

Ant: "Stop it" he snaps quietly as neither of them wanted the little kid outside to know what's happening.

Dec: "Noooo" he retorts back equally quiet.

Ant shakes his head at that childishness and dresses the wound neatly while Dec kept on messing Ant's hair, tugging and twisting them.

Once he finished doing Dec's wrist though, Ant stands up and much Dec's surprise lifts Dec's shirt and lowers his shorts to examine the already healed cuts on Dec's hipbone.

Dec couldn't place the emotion that swept through Ant's face which was a cross between fear and pain. So once Ant lowered his shirt again, Dec surprises him by standing up to cup his face and kiss his forehead.

It was so unlike them, but neither of them complained. Both needed that. And Ant more than Dec deserved that.

Dec: "Thank you" he whispers

Ant: "For what?"

Dec:  "Loving me?"

Ant: "Always" he kisses Dec's hair and suddenly a wicked smile grows on his face and without any warning, he nuzzles his face into the neatly styled tresses.

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