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The next say Dec woke up feeling something heavy on his chest. He blinks his eyes open and had to laugh seeing a bunch of brown hairs blinding him, Tony's smaller form wrapped around him.

He slowly shifts so that Tony can lie comfortably on the bed and remembers how Ant used to tease him saying how annoying it is to wake up with his nose buried in Dec's hair.

He looks across the bed and frowns seeing that Ant's side of the bed is empty. It was early in the morning and he knew nobody will be awake too soon.

After making sure that Tony is asleep peacefully, he walks out of the room. The smell of fresh coffee from the kitchen was enough to tell him where his husband must be but he was hugely disappointed when he couldn't find him there. He looks around and seeing the backdoor open, he steps out to the garden to see the sight he never thought he will see.

Ant and Andrew were sitting on the patio table, two cups of steaming coffees in front of them. He felt a huge rush of something affecting him, something close to possessiveness and protectiveness. He holds himself closer and steps into the cold morning air and walks in their direction.

Meanwhile, Andrew had just ended telling Ant the events of last night and Ant couldn't suppress the dismay knowing that Dec hasn't opened up to Andrew. That was when he saw the brown-haired man walking towards them and affection grew inside him seeing the sleepy blue-green eyes and the pale, shivering form.

As Dec reaches them, Ant smiles and gestures to an empty chair but Dec glares at him and without another word sits on his lap and cuddles to his chest. He notices that Ant has shaved his beard off and that the last night's sleep has given a healthy tint to his skin.

Dec: "You left without telling me"

Ant: "Good morning to you too"

Dec hums and turns to Andrew, wondering what he must be talking to Ant.

Andrew: "Too early for you to wake up, don't you think?"

Dec pouts and lays his head on Ant's chest while Ant rubs his arms, warming him up.

Dec: "Tony woke me up"

Ant: "He is awake?"

Dec: "No. I couldn't sleep with him cuddled to me like. Not used to it"

Ant: "Of course you are not. Now you know how others feel" he teases

Dec: "You never had a problem before" he snaps back with surprising venom

Ant: "Woah. Grumpy aren't you? I was just joking"

Dec: "I know. What are you doing here?" He asks, throwing an accusing glare at Andrew.

Ant: "Just talking"

Dec: "About what?"

Ant: "Just, about everything that happened"

Dec hums and yet again cuddles to Ant's chest.

Ant: "You want a cuppa?"

Dec shakes his head and leans to take Ant's cup and drink from it

Ant: "Did you brush your teeth?"

Dec just shrugs at that and Ant rolls his eyes.

Andrew: "I better get in, not used to this much cold. Thanks for the coffee, Ant"

Dec frowns at that and as Andrew walks inside with the coffee, he turns to Ant "You made him coffee?"

Ant: "No. I was making one for myself when he happened to come to the kitchen. So I poured one for him"

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