To the Very End

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It was way past midnight and to say Ant is disturbed will be an understatement. He didn't get a wink of sleep and spend the whole night tossing and turning, or just laying still watching Dec and Tony sleep. He was worried to get up and walk around in case Dec woke up and saw him this disturbed and the tablets he has taken have done nothing other than making him groggier.

Suddenly he hears whimpers from beside him and his heart tugs to see Tony struggling in his sleep. The little boy was a serious ball of excitement last night and after all the horror and panic he must have gone through the day, Ant was impressed by his strength.

But now he realizes, how the kid was indeed distracted by everything around him that now it's all coming back in his dreams.

Tony's whimpers turn to cries prompting Ant to get off the bed and take Tony in his arms to walk out to the balcony. Even if the boy is heavier than one would expect him to be, he perfectly slotted into Ant's arms like they were made just for him to snuggle into-

Him and that brown-haired man now sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Tony wakes up with a start and it took him a moment to realize where he was. Once he realized though, he goes back to snuggling into Ant's chest, reveling in the safety he never thought he would ever experience.

Ant: "You alright kidda?"

Tony: "Saw...Nick..."

Ant: "Oh sweetheart, it's fine okay? You were dreaming. You are safe okay? See you are here, with us and there are a lot of people to keep you safe eh?"

Tony nods his head and goes back to hugging Ant tightly.

Ant: "I know must be really shaken by all that happened yesterday eh?"

Tony: "Deccey..."

Ant tightens his hold around Tony "He is a silly little man, isn't he? Went and hurt his hand... he should learn from you, right? You are so careful and you are a small lad"

Tony grins proudly at that "I am always careful"

Ant: "Yes you are. Don't think about anything eh? Only think about what you are going to ask Mickey when you see him"

Tony giggles at that evidently distracted from his worries.

Ant: "If you have any problems, any worries... talk to me eh? You can tell me anything. You hear that?"

Tony nods at the and goes back to cuddling Ant.

Ant: "Now try to sleep?"

Tony: "Okay..." He says cutely and buries his face in Ant's shoulder.

Ant paces along the balcony, thoughts and images whirling around in his head, his fear for both Tony and Dec increasing tenfold. Once he is sure Tony is asleep, he walks back to the room and places the boy on the bed in between them. His eyes move on their own to Dec, who was seemingly buried inside the blanket only a part of his pale face still visible in the nightlight. Ant lies down with a sigh, wrapping his arms around both Dec and Tony waiting for the beckoning sleep to claim him.

What he didn't notice was the lone tear that escaped Dec's face, only to be mopped into the thick blanket.

I have hurt everyone...

The next day as everyone sat down for the breakfast, Dec was at the end of his tether not only because of the way all of them behaved around him- careful and caring but also the way Ant is acting delighted and hopeful, sweeping what all happened last night under the rug.

Dec: "So, we will be leaving tonight?"

Ant: "Yup, let's tell that to Tony when he wakes up"

Simon: "Keep us posted okay? With paps and all..."

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