Not Strong Enough

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Hiii I am sooooo sorry for the wait🙈🙈🙈🙈 my exams are over and I can finally, finally focus on my writing. I have LOADS of updates waiting too and CANNOT WAIT to read them all!!!!!!!!

Song Given is Hold On by Chord Overstreet

Ant's heart stammers inside his chest as he searched for Dec in the crowded, dimly lit room but he was nowhere to be seen. With a quivering heart, he rushes to the toilets, emergency stairwells, and the terrace but Dec was still missing.

He swiftly takes his phone to dial Dec's number but relief floods over him as he sees Dec calling him. He hurriedly attends the call: "Oh baby, where are you? I've been searching for you everywhere Deccey! Where are you?"

Ant waited for the response, listening to the staggering breaths from the other side.

He then hears his husband's voice, small and soft: "Ou-r room.  A-nth.... help me?"

Ant felt his knees buckling with fear at that, knowing so well why Dec needs his help. So he crunches his despair down and chokes out:   "Baby, I am coming okay? I am on my way sweetheart, stay on the line....just stay on the line Deccey..."

With that he rushes out of the bar and into the street, running through the crowded pavement through which they had walked hand in hand, just a day ago.

Dec: "A-nth..." He sobs

Ant: "I am close, baby hold on I am near..."

As he reaches their resort, he takes the stairs at the back of the building instead of the main one that requires him to walk around the lobby. He climbs them two at a time and as he reaches their door, his frantic hands fumble around the door lock. With a little difficulty he opens the door and rushes into the room, his heart inside his throat

Ant: "Deccey?!!!!"

And the response he got was low and soft, from the direction of their ensuite bathroom.

Dec: ""

Ant felt a rush of fear weighing him down, stopping him from walking in that direction, worried about what he might find there. But his heart willed his limbs into action and he swiftly walks to the ensuite, opening the door with shivering hands.

And the sight that welcomed him took his breath away due to relief and fear. Dec was sitting on the floor, the crystal wine glass from their kitchen shattered around him, but none close enough to hurt him. Ant examines the smaller man carefully and as Dec raises his red, tear-stained face to stare straight into his eyes, he could see the immense internal trauma the smaller man is going through.

Dec: "Anth..." he whimpers and it was like a spear has gone through his chest for Ant who swiftly covers their distance, carefully stepping past the glass shards.

He slowly lowers himself before his husband, who seemed to be holding too many emotions inside his chest, every one of them trying to find a way to burst and flow out. Ant's eyes then fall on Dec's closed fist and he slowly takes it to hold inside his own hands, silently coaxing Dec to open his fingers.

Ant: "Deccey..." he whispers and with a choking gasp, Dec opens his palm.

Ant felt his whole world turning upside down as a long glass shard laid innocently on the pale, white palm, awaiting to pierce his husband's skin any moment now. A choked sob escapes his mouth at that, everything becoming too much to handle.

Dec: "I- couldn't... I want-ed to... but I couldn't"

Ant slowly nods at that and without any explanation takes the glass piece from his hand to flick it far away. And then he pulls Dec to his chest, who all but falls into his hold.

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