Supermarket Flowers

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Three months since I last update this story. If anybody is still reading this, I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart for being this unreliable

*The song given is Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran*


Sitting in the passenger's seat of Simon's sleek black Jaguar, going towards an unknown rehab facility at the edge of the state, Dec didn't know what to do.

His eyes moved alternatively between his pensive husband who is driving the car and the silent,brooding boy who is cuddled to his chest.

Last night the nine-year-old had
stood in absolute silence listening to the update on his mother and had uttered nothing except a hum when Ant asked whether he would like to meet her.

Although none of them had any idea about her exact condition, Richard's narration did make them realize that it was not good. Although nobody wanted Tony to go through the pain of losing her, they all knew that he deserved this closure with her.

However, the terrifying silence that followed afterward from the kid was unnerving for the duo who have started considering him as a better part of themselves. The light-haired boy had been stuck to Dec like a Koala throughout the night and to the next morning, and Dec being the worry wart he is, didn't let him down from his arms for even a moment, wanting to provide all the comfort he possibly can.

They assumed that Tony would open up to them at least when they were alone, but it's been an hour since they got into the car, intentionally wanting to be away from everyone else, and yet the little boy was to their utmost disbelief, silent.

Dec: "Tony...kidda, you hungry? You didn't eat much in the morning..."

Although he wasn't expecting much of a response,  he was still deeply disappointed when Tony responded with a shake of his head No...

Ant was silent all along but seeing Dec's worried face and Tony's distressed state, he tries instead.

Ant: "Tony, do you want me to stop at a store somewhere? Maybe buy something?"

Tony raises his face slowly at that and blinks at Ant before stuttering quietly:

"Can we buy some lilies?...she likes lilies..."

Dec feels as if a lump has formed in his throat but nods

Dec: "Of course, we can kidda"

Tony: "But... what if she is not awake...what if she will not wake up and see the flowers?" he asks nervously

A choked gasp escapes Dec at that prompting Tony to quickly shake his head

Tony: "It's okay, I am sorry Deccey... I am sorry I asked-"

Dec: "Oh kidda, don't be sorry for that. You can ask questions Tony... In fact you must!"

Tony's lower lip wobbles at that and he confessed quietly "But I want to be strong. I want to be strong for her... and for you..."

A bold of shock rushes through Dec's spine at that, his eyes involuntarily moving to Ant who had his eyes wide with disbelief.

Dec: "N-o Tony... kidda you don't have to... you..." he stutters unable  to find any words.

His mind takes him back to the first time he had met his husband, a  young man who wanted to be strong for everyone around him, inturn forgetting how to be strong for himself...  how to love himself...

Dec: "Tony, it's okay to be weak kidda, it's-"

Tony: "But I want to be... I want to be a hero,  for-"

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