My End, My Beginning

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Andrew was speaking to Robbie when Ant stormed into the room, the letters clutched tight in his hand. Before anyone could say anything, he walks straight to Andrew, lifting the letters for him to see.

Ant: "Explain!!"

Andrew turns to Ant stunned but the expression turns to utmost fear as he sees the letters in his hand.

Andrew: "Ant- I-"

Simon: "Ant what's happening?! What are those?"

Ant gulps the anger down and turns to Simon "These Simon, are secrets letters I found from Andrew's room written and signed by my very loyal husband!"

He says the last word with a lot of poison that Andrew's eyes snap up shocked.

Andrew: "Ant! It's not like that!"

Alph: "By Dec?!"

Stephen: "Why would Declan write letters to him?!"

Ant: "We would like to know that, wouldn't we?!"

Mistrust was seeping through his words that Andrew sighs defeated.

Andrew: "We...we have been contacting each other, for some time now..."

Ant: "Some time? Some years, you mean?! Look at these dates Andrew!!"

Everybody was stunned by the revelation, looking between Ant and Andrew, knowing that this won't go well.

Andrew: "Ant, you have every reason to mistrust me. But please believe me when I say these don't mean anything. He was supporting me in my recovery Ant, nothing else"

Ant: "By letters?! Or did you two ever meet in person?"

Andrew looks at him helplessly, not knowing what to tell him. This will break him, this will break Dec, this will break them!

The uncertainty in his eyes was enough an answer for Ant who looked as if he has seen a ghost.

Ant: "You- what?! When?! How?!"

Andrew: "We are just friends Ant and we only met a couple of times and-"

Ant was at the end of his tether by then.

Ant: "A couple of times?!! And I didn't know about that?!" He shouts, shock and rage evident in his voice.

Andrew could only look at him shame-faced "He couldn't just tell you Ant! He knew you won't let him see me and -"

Ant: "So he went up behind my back?! To meet you?!! You?!"

Andrew: "Ant, please...he was just being nice to me. He didn't want to hide it from you but-"

Ant: "But he did! Oh God, he was contacting you all these years without my knowledge! Guess some things are more important for him than my faith in him! My trust!!"

Andrew: "Ant, I don't think we should discuss this now, we-"

Ant: "Oh yeah? Then when?! When I stumble upon more secrets?! More lies?!" His voice breaks at that and Andrew looks at Alph with pleading eyes.

Alph: "Andrew is right, Ant. Dec must have had his own reasons and we shouldn't jump into any conclusion-"

Ant: "What am I supposed to do then?! Leave this and trust him?!" He points to Andrew in disgust that Andrew felt a sharp stab of pain in his chest.

Andrew: "I am sorry you didn't know about this. But Ant, Dec was just trying to help me. He was just being a good friend to me. You know him. You know him better than anyone Ant, he just couldn't walk away from me!"

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