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Waiting on Zayn felt endless but worth it. Annette and I were currently on our twentieth round of the "whisper challenge". A game I soon labeled stupid because I just couldn't win, so we tried to make it a little easier..but I still couldn't win.

"Um..something about food in your ears?" I guess, making Annette laugh as I look down at her spot on the airport floor where she sits across from me away from all the people.

"Not even close," She says once she's stopped laugh.

"This game is stupid lets play that hand slap one again," I suggest because losing just wasn't fun.

"Oh look! Your mom and Louis are back.."Annette says excitedly, standing from the floor. Annette and I had stayed behind since my wheelchair just got in the way especially with so many people rushing around which made waiting feel longer because we couldn't tell when the plane landed.

I look around to see them, Zayn following closely behind with two duffle bags in hand.

"I was expecting to run into your arms like in the movies," Zayn jokes, shaking my hand before turning to Annette.

"Hi, I'm Zayn," He smiles, reminding me why it was so easy for my scruffy looking friend to charm girls.

"Annette," She smiles back, placing a hand then on my shoulder,"Harry's told me so much about you."

"You must be exhausted, let's get your things into the car so we can get you settled," my mom suggests leading the way to the parking lot, the four of us following.

On the car ride home Zayn tells us a little about his flight over and the way things have been back home. From the sounds of it I didn't miss much but my ex getting pregnant with the douche she cheated on me with..I sure know how to pick em.

"What," I say softly to Annette, who's smirking at me.

"Nothing," She shakes her head before saying,"You just look really happy."

"I am,"I smile reaching over to scoop up her hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Well.This is the place," My mom announces with excitement, looking over at Zayn in the passenger seat.

"I love it" Zayn nods with a smile, stepping out,"Nice choice."

"Bullsh*t," I cough jokingly, as everyone takes Zayn's lead and gets out.

With Louis pulling my chair out of the trunk, Annette simple waits,before helping me out of the car and onto the seat, something that hardly bothers me anymore.

"I'll see you tomorrow,"Annette whispers to me before kissing my cheek as she helps me get settled on the chair.

"Alright," I sigh, holding my grip on her hand for a little while longer.

"Seriously this time," She pouts in the direction that Louis is headed-his car.

"Just stay..spend the night." I laugh at the offer knowing fully well it wouldn't fly.

"Only if you want my parents coming to break your doors down at midnight,"She laughs, her sparkling eyes a little sad,"I'll text you."

She then let's go, waving goodbye to my mother and Zayn, Louis doing the same before they climb into the car and drive away. It always left me feeling quite empty..their presence had become something I really enjoyed..well it grew on me since some days Louis annoyed the sh*t out of me. But I really grew attached to that amazing feeling that came along with being surround by people who care about you it was..addicting.

"Bub, would you mind bringing in the mail? I forget to before we left," My mom calls out from the doorway before disappearing back into the house.

"Of course I'll get the mail..it's not like I'm in a f*cking wheel chair or anything," I huff back sarcastically, wheeling myself with my sore hands. This wheel chair sh*t seriously wasn't for me..I couldn't wait for these next few weeks to finish so I could finally put some pressure on these legs.

I struggle slightly to reach into the mail box, pulling out a bunch of small envelopes before wheeling myself up the small ramp Louis and Annette made me on the side of the porch, and into the house.

"..there's a bathroom down here and two upstairs. The kitchen is right through here and you're welcome to take whatever you'd like..I even got a few of the snacks I know you use to like," I hear my mother rambling to Zayn, her voice was rushed. She was torn between welcoming Zayn to our house properly and not being too late to work.

"Thanks Ms. Styles..I really appreciate you letting me stay for the week," I see Zayn smile, propped up against the island while sitting in a chair.

"Oh you know you're welcomed anytime Zayn..you're like a second son," My mom smiles before excusing herself upstairs.

"You know she's lying," I joke to Zayn before beginning to sift through the mail even though I never get anything.

I nearly reach the end of the envelopes when I see a letter addressed to me, in familiar type with no return address. I don't hear Zayn's response because I'm too busy trying to rattle my brain for a match..why was this writing so familiar?

"..so that's the girl huh? She's definitely hot,"I hear Zayn's voice cut in as I decide to open the letter,"But nothing like you described her. This chick seems nice enough..I just don't really see where she fits into the description you gave me..life ruining b*tch who plays too many games."

"What?" I ask confused before realized I hadn't told him names or that I was talking about two separate people,"No that's..it's a different girl. The girl I told you about was my neighbor."

"So the neighbors free then?" Zayn asks with a raised brow,"You know I love it when they're rude."

"Shut the f*ck up," I mumble tearing open the envelope wider,not feeling in the mood for the other side of Zayn..the side that loved women who just loved to love him back. He could probably have gotten Jo. He could have had her so easy..he knew how to play games and Jo was full of them..

I pull out a few sheets of folded paper and open them. The first is a letter..a very long letter written in letters so small you really had to concentrate on just the paper-nothing else, to read them. I open the next paper to see what must be a continuation of the letter. My eyes go straight to the bottom to see who it's signed off from but there's nothing. So I open the next paper hoping to find another continuation..I wasn't just going to read a letter and waste my time if this was some prank.

I feel my cheeks go cold, then hot again..hot with anger. I want to do nothing more than tear all of this paper up..not bothering to read it. I was filled to the brim with hate, with rage and confusion. It didn't make sense.

I stare down at the paper in my hands the paper with a beautiful pencil drawn face..my face. I knew exactly who this was from.

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