[forty three]

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"You took the wrong exit."

"I forgot my camera," I tell her.

"So?" She questions making me laugh. It's like she didn't know me at all..I guess because she didn't. And that's what made it so fun, I could be whatever I wanted to be.

"So I need my camera." She looks at me like I just suggested we run naked on the busy freeway with a llama.

"But I thought we were going to the pier to do something exciting?" She questions,"How can you have fun when you're too busy changing settings and checking lighting?"

"Taking pictures is fun for me," I defend.

"But you'll miss it," She says softly.

"Miss what?"

"The moment. You'll miss living it because you'll be too busy trying to capture it," She tells me knowingly.

"Besides if we go back now we won't have as much time to do everything..it's like a two hour drive."

I roll her words around in my head and realize that they have truth to them. I take the next street off to return back on the freeway in the direction I was first going, straight to the pier.

Once we've parked, it's easy to see the pier is as packed as I expected it to be despite it being a week day.

"What should we do first?" Jo asks, eyeing the vast area of fun.

"I don't know..there's so much to do," I say back.

I got out of the car, my hands felt clammy and my heart started beating faster. It felt like déjà vu..I just hoped this time things wouldn't end like they had last time.

"Hey..you sure it's okay for you to be here?" Jo asks me hesitantly as we walk side by side.

"Yea, why wouldn't it be?" I ask.

"You just look a little..uncomfortable is all," She shrugs, kicking a rock a little to hard, accidentally hitting the back of the guy in front of us in the foot. She apologizes as I suppress my laughter.

"Look, Annette's my girlfriend yea. But we're not married..we haven't even been dating for that long. Besides I can have friends if I want to," I felt the need to explain..I don't know why. I felt a little bad putting our relationship in such terms but in all honest it was true. It wasn't like I was doing anything wrong..we were just two friends hanging out.

"Alright then," Jo laughs, before stopping right at the entrance of the pier.

"I say we go on all the rides then play games after," Jo claps her hands once,"Sound good?"

"I'm actually kinda hungry," I admit. I look down at my watch and see its a little past five and I haven't eaten all day. I guess that's what I get for sleeping in late and going school shopping before anything else. That's the effect Jo seemed to have on me..she made me forget things..she made me forget important things.

"Okay, okay. We'll eat, then games and rides?" Jo starts walking again toward the crowds of people either walking, roller blading or just standing.

As we began walking, without any idea where food could be I found myself wishing I had brought my camera after all. The pier was beautiful; it had such a fun old fashion feel to it. Taking pictures would be a nice thing for me to hide behind.

"Are you going to be this quiet the whole time?" Jo asks teasingly, bumping my shoulder.

"No," I laugh, bumping her right back.

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