[sixty two]

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Many believe that a picture is worth a thousand words. Some even go as far as to believe that those thousand words are enough-that no other explanation is needed. I use to be one of those people. The pictures were always enough..the pictures always told the story I was willing to except.

I walk over to the side of the bed Louis retrieved the birth certificate and I see pictures-hundreds of them-scattered across the carpet. I reach down to retrieve one at random before letting it float back down to the carpet where it was as I pick up another, and another and another. I can feel my chest begin to rise and fall at an abnormal rate, my cheeks growing so hot I felt like I was suddenly pushed into hell. Im taking deep breaths trying to calm myself so that it all makes sense..I just had to calm down long enough for it to make sense.

"Harry,' Louis steps closer cautiously,"Are you okay?Whats..whats wrong?"

"N-Nothing," I shake my head so slow as if moving in slow motion. Im trying to slow it all down for myself and just..just calm down. But i cant..i just cant calm down. The photos make no f*cking sense to me. They're screaming a million words that make no sense to me. None of them..each and every photo is just shouting at me, grabbing a hold of me..crushing me.

"I just..Im just.."I begin to stammer, my heart beat pounding so fast it begins to ring into my ears..my vision feels like its bouncing almost I begin to feel dizzy.

"What is all this?" I hear Louis ask, a horror struck look on his face when he looks between me and the mess in front of me.

'I dont know,"I struggle to say, feeling a huge weight on my chest all of a sudden,"I dont know.."

I try to quickly get on my feet so I can look away from all of this..so I can run out of this room to get away from it all. And just as quickly as I rush up and out of the room, I cant help but to feel the weight on my chest grow heavier and heavier, making my breaths shorter and shorter..my vision blurring as my foot gets onto the first stair step leading me downstairs. One foot in front of the other to get me down these stairs is all..but I just..I cant see them and I cant..I cant breath..


I'm suddenly gasping for air, trying to get up, my vision filled with nothing but bright lights.

"Relax," I hear someone say. They place their hand on my chest slowly pushing me back down. The lights seem to loose their intensity with each blink before slowly going to normal. I then realize I'm in the hospital. 

"What the h*ll happened," I whisper to myself feeling a dim amount of pain.

"You.."I look over to my side where the voice came from a second ago, i now recognize as  Dr. Montanez, typing away at a computer,"..fell down the stairs."

My eyes look from left to right as my body keeps still as my brain slowly trickles in the memory what happened.

"I couldn't breath," I remember aloud, or at least try to,"I started to feel so..so dizzy and my heart..my heart was beating so fast it was making me sick, it was so loud.."

"Sounds like you had a panic attack," Dr. Montanez steps away from screen, now giving me his full attention," I had figured so from what your friend Louis described seeing."

"Oh," I take a deep breath hoping to not overwhelm myself now. It was hard to believe this but I guess it was better than being crazy and blacking out for no reason. Of course I did. I was freaking the f*ck out for a damn good reason.

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