[thirty four]

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"Are you okay?"

"Yea..yea I'm fine," I smile, moving myself slowly from my chair to the couch. I then kiss Annette's cheek, hoping it'll be any consolation of reassurance to her.

"I..uh, I also kinda of said something," Annette, pulls away saying shyly.

"What did you say?"

"When Jo asked why I was even bothering to defend you, and that I didn't even really know you I kinda just blurted that you were my..my um boyfriend," She blushes.

"Really," I smile.

"Mhmm," She hums, nodding,"Sorry.."

"S'okay I mean I was actually planning on..you know actually asking you if you wanted to..be my girlfriend," I admit, making her blush again, a smile breaking out across her face as she throws her arms around me, kissing me.

Without skipping a beat I return the kiss, minding my tongue and hands. It wasn't easy, especially with someone as sexy as Annette. It was just so effortless the way she carried herself in such an alluring way without even trying. I would never pressure her, I followed her lead.

She puts her hand on my chest, the other on the back of my neck, as we continue kissing a little more intensely when flashes of the last time I was on this couch with Jo..the first time we had sex.

I try to push the thought out of my mind as Annette begins to kiss at my jaw, leaning in further, her hand now on my thigh, slowly moving its way up. My heart beats faster, I feel nervous and I just can't stop having flashes of those memories with Jo pass through my mind.

"Stop," I say a little to firmly, moving as best I can away from her and her touch.

"What's wrong?" Annette asks, looking confused at me pulling away from our kiss.

"Nothing..I just.." I stutter, trying to figure it out for myself.

"Is the chicken here already or.." I hear Zayn suddenly say, pausing in the walk way to the living room, a smirk on his face,"Am I interrupting something?"

"I should go," Annette suddenly says to me, looking a little hurt. And I know it must have been from pulling away from her touch. She probably thought that I wasn't into it. I can't even figure out what the f*ck I just did but I don't want her to be angry with me.

"Annette, wait," call out to her, hoping to keep this from exploding into something it didn't have to be.

"I'll see you tomorrow," She simply says, before disappearing into the hall, the sound of the door shutting makes me shut my eyes angrily, Palm to face. Why couldn't I do it? I wanted Annette I really did, my hard was evidence of that I just..I couldn't do it.

It would have been easy to say that hearing Jo was back wasn't important to me. It just wasn't the truth.

It confused me, you know. It really made me think. Was I really done and over with her?When Jo left it played a huge roll in making forgetting her easier. I didn't have to see her, hear of her, or from her. I was left high and dry and it just made it that much easier to get back to my old self because I didn't have to worry any slip ups or run ins because she was gone. But was it all a lie? Would it really not bother me to see her?

I didn't know. Not for sure at least. Just because I was happier now and feeling back to normal, I didn't know what I'd be like if she spoke to me. Especially after having her reach out to me it really got me thinking.

It was funny how I almost just knew that if Jo and I did come face to face..I'd hear her out. Even after all that bullsh*t I'd probably still let her explain or say whatever else she needed to. I could lie and say it was for closure, but I just knew deep down, it be for hope. I guess I just really wanted to be right. I wanted to know that those feelings we shared, all the moments, everything was real for her.

Because it was real for me.

"..okay so let's see, Zayn is setting up tables, the hamburgers are to go on the grill and most of the cupcakes are decorated..Harry get over here and help," My mother says to herself, sounding like a mad woman. One for talking to herself and two for thinking I knew how to frost f*cking cupcakes.

I roll my eyes, shutting off the tv before wheeling myself into the kitchen where my mother had about five different things going on while still managing to look put together. This kitchen was exactly how torn up and divided I was feeling right now, I just hoped for my sake I looked as put together as my mother did.

"What's up," I say with no enthusiasm.

"I need you to finish up the cupcakes so I can start cooking the burgers."

"Can't Zayn do that?" I whine.

"Zayn's a guest, he shouldn't even be helping at all. Harry please just frost the cupcakes, it's not a hard task."

"Can't you just leave them like that? I mean have you seen some of our neighbors?They're about one frosted cupcake away from diabetes if you ask me," I tell my mother making her crack a smile.

"Fine," She sighs in defeat,"Take the box with the cupcakes that are already decorated and get them out onto the table..the party should be starting any minute."

"You got it," I smile at her, grateful to get the h*ll out of this messy kitchen without having to maneuver a frosting pipping bag.

I grab ahold of the box on the counter and I place the box filled with American flag clad cupcakes onto my lap before leisurely wheeling myself into the hall and out the house. I wheel myself down on the ramp slowly looking around for Zayn who is no where in sight when I accidentally add too much force to my push, sending me and my wheelchair down the ramp too fast, before flipping me out of the chair and onto the freshly cut grass, cupcakes everywhere.

"Sh*t," I cough out in pain, the wheelchair squishing down my legs. I attempt to kick it off but the lack of leg usage makes it difficult so instead I try to push it off with my hands when I hear the sound of footsteps on the grass rushing over to me.

At first I think it's Zayn, but then I realize he'd have already cracked about a million jokes by now, and definitely wouldn't be running to help me. Walk maybe but not run.

I lift my head up and see the face of the one person I was planning on avoiding.


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