[twenty five]

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I left Liam's house that day feeling like I had just shattered into a million pieces. I had lost everything I slowly, yet quickly grew attached to. The friends, the parties..the connection.

I don't know how I made it home, I don't know how I ended up in my bed..I didn't know anything anymore. Everyone thinks I'm a liar, and that I tried to ruin an already delicate family.

I thought my friends, those poor excuse of friends, would believe me. I thought they'd somehow take my side, they'd help me get the real problem gone..but I was wrong.

Liam was living proof that I was so f*cking wrong.

I even thought things were different, but even that turned out to be wrong. Things didn't become different, they just went back to the way they were..the way they should have been from the beginning. Me being the loner, the one that wasn't included in anything..the weirdo, only now I was able to add liar to that list of things people labeled me as.

"Harry," I hear my mother's voice say through the thick mental cloud I'd been stuck in. Her voice sounds distant, like she's looking for me, but I just can't bring myself to answer her.

"Harry, there you are," I hear her finally say, breathing a sigh of relief.

"What have you been doing all day," She goes on asking me.

"Not much," I mumble in reply.

"Then why haven't you answered any of my calls? I called in to check on you a few hours ago," She questions, walking around my nearly lightless room.

"I'm not a baby you don't need to check in.." I snap, rolling over in bed to lay on my stomach.

"What's wrong," She questions, knowing all too well how to read me.

"Nothing," I mumble into the pillow.

"Nothing definitely sounds like something to me right now," She remarks, tearing the final string of patience for today.

"I said it was nothing for God sake would you just leave me the f*ck alone Anne," I snap, silencing my mother,giving me the false sense of hope that she has left me to continue my somber thoughts.

"Is this..is this about that girl.."

"No it's not," I interrupt,"It's not about anyone. I'm fine, I'm great, I just want to be left alone, I'm tired and I don't want to hear your voice, I just want to sleep."

"What happened today?" She asks again, her voice more insisting now, her hand on my back.

"Nothing f*cking happened!" I shout, lifting my head up from the pillow to look at her before looking away again.

"You know what Harry..I've had a rough day at work, and I'm just not in the mood to deal with your disrespect," My mother yells back with the loudest voice I've ever heard her use,"If you want to talk to me, I'm here for you and I love you. But I won't sit here and let you speak to me as if I'm no one."

And with that she walked out of the room and left, slamming my door behind. I felt slightly at awe..shocked really. My mom had never spoke to me that way. I know I deserved it, I did. I was being a little sh*t for reasons that had nothing to do with her.

Because I felt like I was no one.

I got up and and simply stared at my now shut door. The shadows coming in through the window were slowly stretching out into the darkness as the sun nearly went down completely now.

I got up, and kicked aside several articles of clothing, and various shoes as I mindlessly walked to the window.My one window that had the shades shut.

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