[fifty nine]

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The sounds, the lights, and all the moving around and rushing is all too much for me right now. I felt like I was caught in this huge unexpected storm.

My face was stitched up for the second time this year, my ribs bruised, but all I could think of was my mom.

She was rushed off as soon as we arrived to the hospital where she was usually on the saving end..not the one who needed to be saved.

"Can I sit out in the hall now?" My monotone, hoarse voice breaks the silence among the police officers writing down things they feel to be important.

"I still have a few more questions for you," The officer says sternly.

"I told you, I didn't see a license plate, I don't know how he found us and I have no idea where he could be," I remind him. I could almost feel the tears begin to brim in the corner of my eyes from my frustration.

All I wanted was to sit out in the hall and wait. Why was that too much for these people to get?

"Hey, watch the tone," His face hardens at me,"Being noncompliant isn't going to help your mom.."

I look up at him with so much anger, ready to stand, and shout at him and how inconsiderate he was being. When the door to my room is suddenly opened, in walking Russell.

"No more questions please,"Russell tells him firmly,"The patient needs rest, he's been through a lot tonight."


"That will be all for now," He repeats, looking the officer dead in the eyes.

The officer rolls his eyes, the others following his lead out the door soon leaving the room empty.

"How do you feel?" Russell asks once the door had been shut. He's got a clipboard left from the previous Doctor that had looked me over when I got here an hour ago. With a stethoscope around his neck and a white coat over the clothes he had been wearing before, I  realize he's actually a doctor here.

"I want to see my mom," I choose to say. I was fine..why was it that everyone felt the need to focus on me when I had no intentions of letting them distract me from what I truly cared for at this moment-my mom.

"Soon," He clicks his pen, swiveling it around on the paper a few times before clicking it again, and tucking it into his pocket.

"That's not good enough." Maybe I just needed to be more assertive with these people.

"Well it's all I can say for the time being," He looks over at me.

"So what, you just expect me to lay on this stiff bed wondering..hoping even, if my mom is alive?" I nearly shout, I was so frustrated once again, I could feel the tears ready to come, my throat locking.

"Of course not," he answers calmly, handing me a piece of paper,"I've just discharged you. You can come to ICU with me and wait."

"Wait for what?"

"Your mom is still in surgery, I passed by there on the way here..She's going to be just fine," He explains, but the relief doesn't come just yet. I had to see it. I couldn't just believe him. I had to see her.

"Just let me know when you're ready, get changed, and grab your things..ill be waiting outside the room,"He then adds before excuse himself, and leaving me alone in the room.

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