[sixty three]

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This update took forever sorry everyone. I've just been way to busy to write, this story is nearly finished so it has to continue going in a certain direction. I don't want to half ass a chapter and totally derail everything.

Make sure to vote +comment so I know you're all interested.

It's funny how are brain works sometimes you know? When you really think about it it's like we have two interchanging faces..one minute we're focusing on all the bullsh*t happening in front of us, and then suddenly-in an instant, we're focused on the bullsh*t that was always what you put as the "big picture".

How was it possible to just..just switch off the big picture? How was it possible to forget that the big picture existed?

My dad, he was the big picture. I knew, deep down, after every day without him  that he wasn't gone forever..that he'd be back to make up for lost time.

"We're going home," My father says, hands tucked into his jean jacket suggestively, in that same scruffy voice that made me cringe.

I lay feeling paralyzed having no clue what to do. My eyes darting around the room without moving an inch..until I see it. I lunge my hand toward the small table that the tiny glowing remote lies, remembering the nurse said to press it if I needed anything.

"Don't you f*cking dare," My father snarls pulling his hand out from his jean jacket to point a finger at me.

"Drop it," He commands and that's when something inside me snaps.

I wasn't some animal he could give orders to or beat and intimidate anymore. I was through with that sh*t.

"Get out," I surprise my father by saying, I grip the remote tight, having it ready like a weapon.

"Push it," He laughs,"Let's let everyone in this god damn place know who you're f*cking old man is..I think I remember how to play the role.."

"I'll push this button so the nurse can call in the dozens of officers waiting around the halls to ask me question about you," I inform him, I wasn't going to let him intimidate me.

Silence falls and I'm almost compelled to push the button..to just get this over with. But something was stopping me..I couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe it was because of all the confusion I was feeling and the questions I so badly needed answered. I should want him arrested and thrown in jail. But I just couldn't do it.

"You don't know what you're doing," He then shakes his head and says, taking a step back toward the door.

"The only thing I need to know is how many seconds it's going to take for you to back track and get the hell out," I was blowing it..my chance to change things and to get answers. My heart pounding in my throat it was making me nauseas and nervous. I was kidding myself. I didn't know what was right.

"You sure about that?" He smugly asks. And before I even get the chance to think of a reply he says:

"I'll be around..ill be around so when you're ready to know. You'll know.."

And with that he walks out, and I drop the remote knowing deep down I had to know..I had to ask.

I'm left alone but that weight of knowing he'd be back was tugging at me telling me it could bring me right back down to the hell I once lived.

I take a deep breath, furrowing my eyes as I feel my emotions turn to anger. I punch down at the blankets covering my lap several times before laying all the way back in the bed with my eyes closed.I hear the door open again before drowning myself in thoughts.

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