[sixty four]

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"Here, I brought these for you,"Liam tries to hand over the tray of cookies but when he sees that I make no effort in trying to take it he simply places it on the table aside me.

"I um..I also brought this,"He reaches into his pocket. It's a folded slip of paper and again I don't bother to reach for it.

"I don't want anything from you."

"We have cameras, four of them at different angles, outside our house,"Liam begins to tell me anyway unfolding the paper.

"One of them caught your dads truck,"He then flips the paper over to show me, the trucks license plate as clear as day. As I study the photo, Liam goes on.

"I flipped through the footage for the past few weeks, and I noticed he'd been watching your house..almost everyday."

"How'd you know it was my dad?" I question. It been too long since Liam and I had been on friendlier terms but he clearly hadn't  erased me from his life like I had.

"He knocked on my door that day..you know,when he broke in,"Liam answers,"He asked me if his old friend Anne lived in that house..I told him she didn't. I knew it was him-he looks just like you and I remembered all those things you told me about him so I just..lied."

"He's smarter than that," I shrug,"it's not your fault."

I don't know why I felt the need to assure Liam it wasn't his fault. I guess I just was kinda getting around to forgiving him. I didn't really want to admit it, even to myself, that I missed Liam. We're young, and we make mistakes-sometimes big ones-everyone does. He was right, I forgave Jo so why not him? He seemed remorseful enough.

I look down at the paper and back at Liam who looks determined. As if he were something so grand and couldn't be stopped. What the f*ck was I suppose to do with a license plate?

"Well that's great and all but what the hell do you expect me to do,"I shrug, tossing the paper onto his lap,"Take it to the cops..its there job."

"See that's the thing.."Liam stands closer,"..I already did."


"And you wouldn't believe who's assigned to your case."

"Who,"I question.

"Jo's dad," Liam sighs, before forcing a laugh,"Can you believe that? An *sshole like him working on cases like this. What a joke.."

"So you came all the way down here to tell me that my case is basically hopeless?" I was angry, not necessarily at Liam, but at my situation all together. There'd be no justice..My father, like Jo's would always be the winner.

"No," Liam smiles and I just know he's got something planned.

"No..what?" I grimace.

"I spent the past day thinking of ways that justice could prevail in both cases, yours and Jo's.."Liam begins and I almost laugh because he sounds like some superhero plotting the take down of some villains.

In a way he kinda ways.

There was just one problem with taking out the villains-the victims themselves may not be so innocent.

"You can tell me all about it later..there's something I need to do first." I couldn't move forward without knowing for sure-whatever it was that I needed to know.

"Just hear me out, I promise it won't be a waste of time.."Liam begs.

"I know Liam I just mean..I've got a lot going on right now and before I decide to get the cops involved I want to make sure everything else is in order,"I try to explain vaguely. I just didn't feel like talking about this with anyone but my mom.

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