[sixty six]

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My teeth instinctually clench so tight it hurts. I toss the now empty folder across the room cutting my finger in the process, but the sting didn't phase me.

"Fuck!" I shout angrily, I punch my small desk.

Why was this happening to me? I didnt even want to begin to guess.

I was just so tired of piecing together puzzles and trying to stay on top of everything but it was like the harder I tried the quicker everything was slipping through my hands.

I was so angry all I felt like doing was giving up.

A heavy breeze brushes against my dry skin and dirty t-shirt as I sit on my front porch.

I had been sitting out here for awhile. Not thinking or questioning, just sitting.

The sunset gave the world in front of me an orange cast as I watched Liam's mom drive past my house.

After a few minutes of me simply staring up at the sky, I hear the sound of feet rushing across the street. I look over to seem Liam jogging over to me, hastily looking both ways before continuing.

"Hey Harry," Liam greets, almost in a tone that said he wasn't sure if we were good now or not.

"Hey," I say with little effort. I had such a nothing feeling inside of me I just didn't know how to feel anything else right now.

"What's wrong?"He questions.

"Nothing," I shrug, not having the strength to explain.

"Come on man," Liam says with concern,"I want to help..what's wrong?"

I pause for a few minutes before beginning to shake my head slightly before pessimistically laughing.

"What isn't wrong?" I say,"I can't even keep up anymore..my dad..my mom..jo..and now my pictures.."

"Which pictures," Liam asks with concern,"Your pictures for the contest?"

"Yea," I weakly say.

"What happened to them?" He presses me.

"They're gone..all of them. Even my memory cards."

"You're kidding," His face goes white in disbelief.

"I wish I was."

"Who took.."

"My dad," I cut him off. I didnt want to go into further detail, all I wanted was to continue to sulk.

"We need to get them back," He says with a matter of fact.

"We can't," I shrug.

"Harry," He steps closer to me,"We need to get them back. It's the only way we can make everything right."

"No. Fuck no," I shout in annoyance. It was bad enough I was beating myself up about it all but now Liam was asking me to do something I really didn't even want to consider.

"Harry, wake the fuck up,"Liam snaps at me angrily, taking me by surprise,"If you don't get those pictures back there will never be justice for your mom or jo. Don't you realize that? Don't you get that these pictures are so much more than just the contest?"

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