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[sorry i didn't update yesterday wattpad was being stupid.]

Last night/this morning felt, and still feels, unreal. For the first time in weeks I wasn't watching her through a lens. I had her right in front of me, our skin touched, our lips touched, she smiled at me, she finally saw me. I just couldn't help but to want more even though I had said from the beginning that I wouldn't get myself involved with her.

Maybe I chose the wrong story to tell. Or maybe I chose a story that was so right, I couldn't stop myself from getting sucked in.Maybe I shouldn't have chosen to learn her story at all because sooner then I ever expected, she became my favorite story. With every photo I took of her it only magnified my desire to be close to her. I didn't want to just take her picture anymore, I wanted her.

"So how was your night?" My mom asks, turning the car onto the main road toward IHOP.

"Oh you know, the usual," I answer, slumping down in my seat, hoping my mom doesn't detect how much happier I am right now.

"Like?" She presses on.

"I figured out my camera, ate some pizza.."

"You ate pizza, you say?" She says in a skeptical tone,"Because I could have sworn I saw a burnt pizza lying out in the backyard."

"I forgot about the pizza," I admit, flopping my head back like a child ready to be scolded.

"I guess we'll just have it delivered next time," She says understandably.I'm pretty sure it's understood by now that I can't do anything in the kitchen but make cereal. That must be why she worries so much when I'm home alone.

"So how's the new camera?" She asks, changing the subject.

"It's great, I think I have all the features figured out."

"Did you bring it with you?"

"No, why would I bring it?" I ask before suddenly remembering that I said I wanted to take a picture of her eating a pancake. I'm such a convincing liar.

"I'll take the picture with my phone," I say, making my mom smile.

When we finally make it to IHOP we sit near the hostess stand, waiting for our table. While we wait my mom tells me about her ever eventful night at work.

"There was also a boy that came in, one about your age, who..."

"Harry, what's up man," I hear Derek say as he passes my seat with a take out box in his hand and a receipts, Sophia trailing behind him, waving at me.

"Hey Harry," Sophia says warmly, adjusting her glasses over her sleepy eyes,"Is this your mom?"

"Yea," I answer turning to my mom,"Mom these are my friends Derek and Sophia."

"It's very nice to meet both," My mom smiles, shaking there hands.

"Anne, party of two, your table is ready," The red headed waitress says, ready to lead the way to our table with menus in hand.

"We'll see you later, your going to Craig's tonight right?" Derek says as me and my mom stand.

"Probably not, no," I say.

"Why not? Liam said you were coming,"Sophia says.

"I don't know, I'll think about it," I say before we say goodbye.


"How's your pancakes?" I ask my mom snapping an unflattering shot of her chewing.

"Oh Harry," She says pretending to be annoyed,"Take a nicer one."

"This one's nice, Anne, don't worry," I laugh.

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