[twenty one]

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"It's nothing..she just didn't want me to..," I begin to ramble racking my brain for an excuse,"To let it slip that she was over this morning when she was suppose to be at work."

"Oh," My mother answers, seeming to believe me,"Well I don't really know what's actually going on with the two of you, that's your business..but what I do know is respect is very important. I didn't like that tone she used with you..if she's your friend she should address you accordingly. And you shouldn't be grabbing her like that, what got into you?"

"Can we just stop talking about this?" I snap as I sit up straighter in my seat, trying to get a better view of the end of the street. I feel my heart drop when their isn't a car sitting in Jo's driveway.

"Fuuccking shiiit," I mutter to myself, covering my face.

"What, what's wrong," My mother questions, looking over at me as we near closer to our house.

"I need to go over to Liam's," I simply say as she parks.

I quickly unfasten my seatbelt, throwing the passenger door open, ready to run across the street when my mother comes shuffling in front of me, her hand raised to stop me.

"Its nearly three am Harry, you aren't going anywhere," She says to me firmly.

"But I really need to..."

"Save it," She snaps,"It's late, I'm exhausted, and I really don't need another parent complaining about you right now. Now get in that house."

"Mom, this is serious I just need.."

"Harry, you have one minute to march into that house..fifty-nine, fifty-eight.."

"Are you f*cking kidding me? I'm almost eighteen, And you're really going to pull this bullsh*t on me?" I say angrily at my mother, pushing past her before she can grab a hold of me. I'm not the disobedient type, and I never speak to my mother this way.

But this is different.

I need to get Jo's number from Liam and pray she picks up, if not I'll need to think of a plan b.

"Liam! Liam, open the door,"I shout, banging on his front door, my voice full of desperation.

"Liam! Open the.."

"Harry? What are you shouting about, it's the middle of the night!" Mrs. Payne says, throwing the door open in a huff, clutching her fuzzy robe tightly.

"I need to talk to Liam," I tell her quickly,"It's important."

"He's sleeping, Liam needs his rest he has SAT practice tomorrow," Mrs. Payne says, shaking her head no.

"Please I just.."

"Harry? What happened? What's wrong," I hear Liam say from the top of the stairs, his slippers brushing swiftly along the wooden stairs before he finally makes it to the door, pulling it wider to get past his mother.

"Liam get back upstairs, Harry you need to go..oh good your mother is coming..Anne! Anne, control your son, I don't need him disrupting my boy's sleep," Mrs. Payne says loudly as my mother finally makes it over to the Payne house, looking just as pissed as I thought she would.

"I need Jo's number."

"Harry, what did I say!" I hear my mother shout, her voice much closer now.

"Jo's number?" Liam repeats,"Harry it's three in the.."

"I know what time it is, I just need to talk to her," I tell him, keeping the details minimal.

"I'll text it to you..my phone's upstairs," Liam says, his mother pulling him back, allowing her to begin to close there white wooden door.

"Keep your son under control..the next time he disrupts us I'll call the police," Mrs. Payne hisses, throwing the door shut in my face.

Without another word, we walk back in silence, my mother leading the way to our home across the street. I can feel the tension between us, and it's the worst feeling in the world. I don't fight with my mom, I don't treat her like what she says isn't important.

It's like I don't even know who I am anymore.

Once we're right back to where we started, I pull the car door open and grab my cellphone from the seat.

Liam's text message with Jo's number sitting right there on the screen makes my heart beat faster, and I quickly dial the number which just goes straight voicemail. I call it twice more before remembering why Derek came to find Jo at my house in the first place: her phone was dead.

"F*ck!" I scream angrily into the early morning air, tossing my phone across the yard, sending it smashing onto the porch.

"We do not throw things out of anger Harry!"

"I will throw whatever the f*ck I want..you don't know how I feel right now!" I shout at her.

"Tell me how you feel," She challenges.

"Stop trying to know every f*cking detail about my life!" I continue, surprising myself, and not in a good way.

"Just because you have nothing going for yourself doesn't mean you need to try to live through me and my life. Let me live my own private life!"

"Get inside," My mother says simply, her voice cracking, either from how angry she must be, or my words actually hurt her. Probably both.

"Is something going on that I don't know about?" She asks calmly, blocking me from going up the stairs.

"I can't tell you," I reply, feeling myself on the verge of a breakdown. I'm beyond overwhelmed. I don't know if it's the late hour, or the density of the situation that has me feeling so hopeless.Looking into my mother's warm, concerned eyes I just want to break down and tell her everything, because I know this whole situation is bigger then me. I can't deal with it on my own.

"You can tell me anything. Im your mother and that's what I'm here for," She says to me softly pulling me into an embrace,"I'm here to listen."

Being wrapped around by the very arms that held me all those nights I cried about my father is all it takes. Something inside me breaks, and I just let it all out. I tell her about everything.

[short chapter •_____• ... really wanted to update but im sleepy SO here is the result. please vote/comment it means a lot to me, love you all!]

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