[forty six]

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"You're so beautiful," I breath, a lazy smile on my face. My eyes felt heavy with each blink but I just didn't want to sleep.

We lay on the floor in our fort, facing each other, as close as we could get now. By now, I had it all thought out.

There was no way I could be with Annette while having these strong feels for Jo. It wasn't right..none of what I was doing wasn't right.

"How do you do that," She whispered with a smile on her lips.

"Do what?"

"Say these things- these nice complimentary thing..how do you make me feel like you actually mean them?" She didn't seem the least bit joking, an admiring looking in her eyes.

"Because I do..I've always meant the things I've said to you," I assure her and she smiles at me closing her eyes, covering them with her hand as if she couldn't believe what I just said.

My hand found its way to her cheek and she scooted closer, the heat from our bodies making our cheeks rosier than before. She close her eyes and smiles before resting her hand on top of mine.

"Kiss me," I sleepily say because I couldn't hold back anymore. Wanted more than just the memory of her lips and the faint remembrance of what they tasted like.

She leans forward and plants a tender kiss on my lips, and I wrap my arm across her back, the space between us as virtually nothing.

"You're so genuine," She whispers against my lips, looking into my eyes with a look I couldn't quite read..or maybe I could and just chose to ignore it. Instead of over analyzing, I kiss her forehead and then her lips again. It felt so good, more so because the early morning hour just did something to me..it seemed to intensify everything that much more.

I felt a hunger for more, as the kisses slowed down before stopping. But as Jo nuzzled herself onto my chest, I forget the feeling because I somehow had hope that there would be time for more later.

The obnoxiously loud iPhone ringtone fills my ears as my unwanted wake up call. I groan, releasing my hold on Jo, who I had been hugging in my sleep, now stretching my dead arm.

Jo's messy hair brushes my chin before falling over my face as she sleepily sits up, feeling around the carpet with her hand before making contact with the obnoxiously loud phone.

"Hello," Jo says in tired voice. Feeling much too sleepy, I keep my eyes closed feeling the warmth of Jo's body slowly leave me as she sits up right.

"Were you sleeping?" I hear Derek's voice say through the line. His familiar annoying voice wakes me almost immediately, eager to hear the conversation.

"Mhmm," Jo mumbles, looking at me apologetically with sleepy eyes.

"It's almost four..don't you start at four thirty?"

"Sh*t is it?" Jo groans, pushing her hair back away from her face.

"Yea, did you still need a ride?" He asks her and I roll my eyes, laying on my back now with my hands covering my chest.

"Yea thanks..I'll be ready just come by at four fifteen..I don't want to be too early," She sighs before saying goodbye and hanging up.

She stretches her slightly tanned arms out in front of her, letting her hair cascade around her face before letting out a loud sigh. Jo then straightens up, looks over at me, almost saying it all.

"You're leaving," I say before she does.

She simply nods.

It made my skin grow hot..it bothered me just as much as it always had knowing she was leaving me to go with Derek..even despite the night we had just had. Maybe she was playing games again..maybe that's what she wanted-for me to think she changed, when really she was still the same..she wanted a reaction from me. I tell myself to play it cool, and pretend I don't care. I don't meet her gaze, I simply stay how I am already positioned before speaking again..I couldn't help it.

"Where do you need to be at four thirty?"

"First day at my new job."

"Oh," is all I say and she nods again. We sit silently for a minute longer but of course, I can't not ask.

"Why can't I take?"

I had already lost if she was playing games again..I always did. Id tell myself not to care and to go with the flow just like she always did but I couldn't. I had to know..the fact that she was selective in the things she shared that weren't about her past mDe me grow my curious.

"People that know my dad go to the grocery store I'll be working at..I just don't.." She slowly says and I shut my eyes feeling slapped by reality.

"I get it," I snap, bringing my arms to cover my face.

"Harry.." Jo begins to say.

"Just go," I then add, trying to sound less angry,"You'll be late..just go."

"Do you want to do something later?" She asks, I can practically feel her smile so I keep my eyes closed and simply say, "No".

"Got plans," I add.

"Right," She sighs.

I listen as she crawls out of the tent, and out into the hall..when I hear the front door shut quietly I open my eyes. My skin feels hot again and I feel like throwing things from how disappointed and angry I am with myself. How could I forget who she could be and now as a consequence I know for damn sure that my relationship with Annette would never be the same because I had cheated, and now a good thing was ruined.

Jo had been gone for an hour and yet here I still lay inside this stupid fort. before finally deciding to get up and get on with what was left of my day. I found my phone dead on my desk and I was a little grateful for that.

After showering and getting changed I found myself at the In n Out parking lot, eating my second double double with animal style fries. I take a drink of my pink lemonade when my once dead phone vibrates back to life, a multitude of messages and calls appearing on the screen of my phone that lay on the dash hooked up to the car charging.

I put my drink down in the cup holder, my tongue pressed to the top of my mouth as I cautiously take the phone into my hands.

Before I can register what is what a knock on my window scares me, making me drop my phone.

"What the f*ck Louis," I breath, annoyed that he scared me, as he laughs, opening the passenger door of my truck to get in.

"Nice to see you too," He says grabbing. A handful of fries.

"Not really when you're eating my food," I joke. He eats a few more before wiping his hands on his stained jeans.

"Your mom's pissed with you btw," Louis says through a mouth full.

"Why?" I ask.

"She's been calling you all morning..said you haven't been answering," He explains,"She asked me to look for you and since you weren't home I had a feeling you'd be here."

"Great," I roll my eyes. Now my mom was going to be ticked off with me too.

"Yea..you should call her,"Louis says, opening the passenger door before getting out.

"Where are you going?" I had planned on bugging Louis to at least get out of the house and just not think of Jo.

"To get a burger..duh," He tells me,"See ya.."

I wave to him goodbye before shoving my hand under the seat to feel around for my phone. Once it's in my hands I first call my mom back, getting the scolding done and over with. And when that's done, and without a second thought, I call Annette.

"Hello?" I hear her cheerful voice say on the line.

"Hey," I start off with, then taking a deep breath I add,"I need to tell you something."

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