[twenty seven]

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"How do you feel," Annette asks quietly, her hand on mine, while her body is curved on my upper half as we await the results of my x-Ray.

"Tired," I chuckle, before adding,"I feel better I guess..drugs are great.."

"You sound high," Annette chuckles, eyeing my bandaged legs,"They must have you really doped up."

I laugh lightly suddenly taking in the past events and I feel like I'm just now realizing what all has occurred. I don't know if it's the drugs coming in through my veins, or the fact that I hit my head pretty f*cking hard..whatever it may be it has me thinking. What started out to be a shitty day, ended as something promising.

"They have me hooked up to a bag of happiness," I laugh, making Annette smile, her gaze fixed on me now as she readjusts her body so that she can take a drink of water.

"Oh I'm sure it's a real happiness," She chuckles stiffly.

"Seriously..i need to take some of this sh*t home," I continue, my voice sounding different,"I forgot what it even felt like to feel this way again.."

Annette drops her cup down onto the bed side table, cheeks pale before she opens her mouth, her voice sounding haunted.

"You've done drugs?"

"Huh?" I say confused, before adding,"I just mean happy in general..You know why."

"Oh.." She says looking away, reaching for her cup again,"Sorry..right. I don't know what I was thinking."

Not knowing what to say next, I feel relief when the door opens, in walking my mother with a cup of coffee and a cookie, her hair tied back in a frantic ponytail.

"They didn't have much in the vending machine but I managed to get you this," My mom tells me, walking right into the awkward moment.

"Thanks," I smile weakly, watching as Annette continues to nurse her cup of water, something now different about her eyes.

"If you want me to drive you home, sweetie I can," Mom says, taking Annette's expression as being tired,"You look exhausted."

"No, no, it's fine. My friend Louis is waiting in the hall benches he can give me a ride,"Annette tells her, standing to her feet,"Thank you, though."

"It's no trouble, and thank you again for helping Harry," Mom smiles, a hint of sadness behind it,"I was worried sick all day..I just..thank you. I'm so grateful."

"It was only right..coincidences like that don't happen everyday..I'm glad I came when I did," Annette nods, giving my mom a quick hug, before walking back over to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" She smiles timidly, probably because my mom is in the room.

"Definitely," I smile, shifting myself as best I can so as not to move all the wires.

"Rest up," She smiles, giving me a tight hug.

"Thank you," I tell her, whispering into her ear,"For everything."

"I'll come check on you tomorrow," Is all she says before heading out the door where I see her friend Louis waiting for her.

As the door swings shut, I feel a tightening in my chest at the possibility that my chance with Annette has already been blown. How could that guy just be her friend? It made me feel jealous and angry with myself all at once.

"I already signed your release forms..the doctor said we can go home whenever you feel ready to," My mother says to me softly, ending my sudden thoughts about Annette possibly having a boyfriend.

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