[fifty four]

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[replying to comments for me has obviously declined..i love reading comments but i just can't deal with the negativity right now i don't want this story ruined by others.. please vote + if you want you can comment ill eventually get around to them once my mind is in a better space. love all of you thanks for the support and encouraging words]

As first period finally began to reach its end, I found myself trying to find something to do on my phone after doing pretty much everything. I play fruit ninja for the remainder of the period trying my best to pretend that I don't see those girls that had laughed at me, staring. Every so often they'd laugh again before returning to hushed whispers. In a way I felt like a freshman myself-new student and all..but at least these kids have friends from junior high here with them so I guess I was a little lower than them in that aspect.

The bell finally rings, and I quickly get to my feet, phone in one hand, my backpack strap in the other as I walk through the crowd of freshman through the hallway toward the remainder of the campus where my second period class is.

I pull my schedule out of my pocket where I had it tucked away after the push-ups. As I look my schedule over, I hear laughter again followed by a third girl joining the two girls who had mainly passed their time staring. I pretend that I don't notice them amongst the crowd of students rushing out of the cramped hallway but it's impossible not to hear them.

"..wait so is that the guy your older brother and sister were friends with?" She asks in a way that sounds as if she's trying to whisper but failing miserably.

"Shhh,"The girl hushes her before adding,"But yea that's him, remember how I told you guys that he was like stalking the girl that is basically my brothers girlfriend? Well yea he's literally the most desperate weirdo ever like he would follow her everywhere and even forced her to.."

The conversation continues out of earshot and I don't bother trying to catch up to over hear or correct whatever lies they've heard. The parts I did hear, however,provide a basic understanding as to why several students, mostly upper class men, give me dirty looks. Word had apparently spread rapidly throughout the summer and even though I was knew I had clearly already been labeled as someone I wasn't.

I choose to ignore it, focusing on finding my second period class when I see Louis turn a corner heading in my direction while speaking rather heatedly with the red head, Michelle that had denied me my schedule this morning.

"..look Michelle all I'm saying is that if you want to continue being the second captain for cross country, you need to drop a few clubs because I'm not letting the team slack off this year.." I hear Louis tell her sternly.

"You're joking right? I don't have to listen to you. Just because you're first captain doesn't mean you make every decision for the team. Mr. Reich made a mistake choosing you as first captain, seriously because.."Michelle begins to protest angrily when louis holds his hand up interrupting her.

"Exactly Mr. Reich chose me. And last time I checked first captain does have the power to chose the second captain. I told Mr. Reich I wanted you as second captain because I thought you were going to take cross country serious this year but clearly all you're worried about is fluffing up your college resume,"Louis swiftly says giving me a small wave I we near closer to each other.

"Look what I say stands. Take it or leave it.." Louis wraps up the conversation.


"But nothing. Now if you don't mind I've got a life beyond the team to attend to..goodbye Michelle,"Louis begins to walk away.

"Louis come on.."

"Goodbye Michelle,"He repeats more firmly this time. She rolls her eyes and begins to walk in the opposite direction.

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