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[this is tmrws update..oops. Comment/vote pweaase.]

"What is this?" I ask in disgust looking at the food on my plate. It looks...healthy.

"A cucumber salad, eat it," Mom says, taking a sip of lemonade.

"I'm not fat. I don't need to be eating salad," I tell her, pushing the cucumber salad to the very edge of my plate,"I don't even like cucumbers."

"Then why did you buy so many?" Mom asks me, raising her brow.

"Because she dropped them and the asshöle who worked there made me buy them," I say with a mouth full of chicken,"I told you already."

"She? Who's she?"

"She who? I didn't say she," I reply, playing dumb. If I told my mom the truth I'm 99.9% sure she'd think I was stalking this girl. Coincidences like this just aren't believable.

We continue eating our dinner, my mom doing most of the talking since I'm too wrapped up in my own thoughts about the project.

If I chose to shoot this girl for sixty days it wouldn't be as hard as something else since she's right next door. I'd just have to figure out a way to take pictures of her without it being weird or obvious.

I'm probably thinking about this more then most people entering the contest but I kinda have to. I have to win. Because winning would mean a huge burdensome weight lifted from my mother's shoulders. She's the one who wants me to go to college in the first place, personally I thought about skipping the whole thing when I found out how expensive art courses were. But my mom insisted that that was out of the question, she even went so far as to move across the state for a better job with better pay just to show me how serious she was about all of this.

I have to get this right..perfect even.

As I help my mom clean up the table, and get the dishes washed up I decided right then that I'll have to take a few more shots of this girl before I fully invest the sixty days on her. I have to watch her, get to know her. My portfolio has to tell a specific story and a message. That specific story and message will have to move even the most cold-hearted motherfücker if I even want a chance at winning.

"Harry answer the door please," My mom says pulling a tray of store-bought brownies from the fridge.

Even though I didn't hear a knock or a ring my sore legs still take me to the front door. I pull it open and come face to face with a woman about my mother's age, and a boy about my age. I vaguely recognize his features as the boy from earlier, the one with the basketball that was staring at me.

"Uh..Anne?" I call out to my mom staring these freakishly normal looking people down.

"What is it, Harry," My mom says, pushing a piece of hair behind her ears. She looks at me, then out the door to our unknown guests.

"Good evening," The woman says, extended a plate of cookies,"My name is Lorraine Payne, I'm you're neighbor, my house is just across the way. This is my son Liam, we came by to welcome you to the neighborhood with some cookies."

"Oh how thoughtful of you," My mom says taking the plate and handing it to me.

"I'm Anne, this is my son Harry," My mom introduces, placing a hand on my shoulder, saying,"Say hello Harry."

"Sure thing Anne," I mutter, putting on a fake smile, my hand up in a wave,"Hi."

"He calls you by your first name?" Mrs. Payne says looking as if I just slapped her across the face with her cookies,"How...unique."

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