[forty eight]

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She had done it again..she had only given me a look and said a few words to have me completely entranced. She had my undivided attention..whether she was playing games with me or not-I was for it.

She slowly stood in front of me, first sliding off her skinny black pants, stepping out of them once they pooled around her ankles. A lacy olive green thong resting a little low on her hips.I suck in a breath, feeling as if I'm watching everything in slow motion as she seductively stares into my eyes, encouraging me to run my hands across the smooth skin of her thighs. As I allow my hands to glide up and down her thighs, she leans forward, kissing my neck, before sucking down, then kissing it again. My breathing grew heavier as I felt her soft lips continued to tease me, trailing lower and lower.

She then straightens back up, beginning to tug off her plain shirt, revealing her delicate, sun tanned skin, a black bra holding up her breasts so beautifully..I just wanted to reach out and grab them.

Just as she reaches behind to unclasp the hook of her silky bra, I hear a key turn in the front doors lock, followed by laughter from my mom and someone who could possibly be a guy..I didn't really have the leisure to take this into consideration because there were clearly more important things happening right now.

I nearly brush it off as my mind playing some sick trick on me but the look on Jo's face tells me that this is not the case.

"Is that your.." Jo begins to ask with a mortified expression.

"Put your clothes back," I quickly tell her, motioning for her to move.

She rushes to recover her shirt, throwing it over her head before tugging it down even though it's backwards as I search the floor for her pants. I then hand them to her in hopes of having her not half naked when my mom walks into the living room.

"..I don't even know why I still have my old house keys on this, it always gives me good five minute brain teaser.." I hear my mom's voice jokingly echo down the hall sending fearful shivers down my spine as I mouth at Jo to hurry up to which she responds by giving me a wide eyed look as she struggles to get her pants on because they were left inside out.

"I feel like it's just an unwritten single parent rule.."Definitely a guy's voice says,"..you can't get around to everything."

"I'm just going to go up and.."She says, her footsteps now on the stairs,"..check on Harry and.." The footsteps stop and I sink so low on the couch because from the new look on Jo's face-her hands tugging with all their might to pull her pants up properly-tells me my mom has stopped because she's seen her.

Her footsteps immediately retrace and all I can think of are the hickeys-new and old, covering my body. Jo finally has her pants nearly handled, quickly buttoning and zipping before beginning to straighten up her shirt, pull it on properly instead of half on and backwards.

"Did you forget something?" The guy asks my mom, taking steps toward her I assume giving him a better view of the living room, before stopping suddenly.

"Oh my..," He shouts, quickly taking steps back to his previous position,"I'm so sorry.."

I grab Jo's hand, pulling her to sit on the couch with me because her fidgeting with her clothes really wasn't going to help me right now.

"I'll see you at work on Monday Russell..this isn't a good time," my mom tells him, full on mom mode voice.

"Of course, I'll see you on Monday then," He politely tells her before heading for the door, gently closing it behind him.

"Harry," My mother says firmly.

"Yes," I slowly respond, straightening up on the couch.

"After you've helped that young lady out the door, I need to have a word with you," She says a little too calmly. That tone of voice always scared me..she was much too calm which meant she wasn't really angry with me..it was more so disappointment. And I hated disappointing my mom.

"Alright," I breath, looking over at Jo, who's still wearing the most mortified look.

I listen to the steps on the stairs until they finally change into distant footsteps on the hallway floor, before the bedroom door opens and shuts.

"I'm so sorry..I shouldn't have come," Jo whispers, covering her face.

"Don't be," I pull her hand away from her flushed face.

"Now you're going to get in trouble with your mom and.."

"I'm not going to get in trouble alright? She's just going to give me some big speech about not f*cking on her couches or something," I assure her even though I knew that wouldn't be the case. I was almost positive she was up there preparing the biggest disappointment speech of her life.

"I'm still sorry.." She repeats, shaking her head,"I'm so embarrassed."

I didn't really have much to say to comfort her because I'm just as embarrassed. I've never gotten caught before and there have been many times I possibly could have, one time in particular being the first night I spoke to Jo and she fell asleep here.

It wasn't even really about getting caught moments from having sex..it was the fact that I was cheating on Annette and now my mom knew. It almost made the guilt set in ten times faster.

"Just go home, and I'll call you later alright?" I tell her, standing from the couch, looking around the room for my shirt. I didn't really care so much as to where Jo was going after this because for the first time all week I felt bad- really bad. I had done nothing but disrespect the relationship I have with Annette and yet somehow I figured it was totally okay..that it was justifiable.

I was riding on a falling star that seemed to be much faster than my better judgement, giving me this false sense that what I was doing was okay. But with my mom home..she brought me down real quick. It's almost like she just snapped me out of it all.

Or maybe my judgement had finally caught up.

"Okay," She nods. Jo watches me for a few seconds before taking a few steps toward the door.

"Bye," She says softly, and I look up at her, giving her a small distracted smile.


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