[twenty four]

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I could feel my body temperature rising, my jaw tensing during every second I watched him drive away because to me he wasn't just driving away. It was the literal representation of him getting away with what he had done.

Or at least all that I knew he did.

After standing in front of Jo's house a little longer, I decide to go to Liam's, knowing I'll be able to learn something about what happened from him.

"Oh hello Harry, what can I help you with?" Mrs. Payne says stiffly after opening the door, clearly still bothered about the other night.

"I need to talk to Liam," I tell her, trying to keep this quick.

"He's in his bedroom," She says, stepping aside, allowing me to pass.

I take the stairs in a rush, walking up to Liam's room like I've done so many times before. I don't bother knocking the shut down, simply pushing the door open.

"Harry..what are you doing here?" Liam says with surprise, Derek and Sophia wearing a much more bothered look, assuming from Jo leaving.

"What really happened with Jo? Why did she leave? What's going on," I question.

The intensity of my voice is higher, I didn't mean to come across this way to Liam..it was me just getting the anger off my chest. The anger that somehow seemed never ending..it just wouldn't stop boiling inside me.

"Harry..don't..don't act like you don't know," Liam says, his hands clenched together, not bothering to meet my eyes.

"I don't..I'm not acting." My words seem to upset Sophia the most, suddenly making her stand.

"You're a terrible person!" She shouts at me, her voice cracking,"I can't believe we thought you were our friend..you're disgusting."

"What are you talking about!" I shout back at her, now making Derek stand from Liam's bed.

"Jo told us everything, she told us how she trusted you. I knew there was something f*cked up about you. I knew it," His says to me, standing next to Sophia.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I scream completely frustrated and confused.

"You knew Jo was hurting herself and you used it against her..she wouldn't do what you wanted her to so you tried to start sh*t with her dad..so he'd get her the help she needed..you did this. You're the reason she's gone," Sophia answers.

"Jo wasn't hurting herself.." I tell them.

"She was," Derek interrupts,"She..she finally admitted it. I always felt like her bruises..her scars were nothing like the excuses she'd give me..but today she finally told us..she hurts herself.."

"Her dad's lying," I interrupt,"She wasn't hurting herself..he was abusing her!"

"This has nothing to do with her dad, he didn't tell us anything," Derek shouts at me,"She told us herself. She said it from her own mouth. The only thing her dad did was finally get her the help she needed.."

"Harry, look Jo and her dad have their issues but he would never hurt her," Sophia defends,"We've known Jo and her family for years..our father's both work together..you're wrong. He was just trying to help her.

"I'm not, I saw it with my own eyes," I tell them, only earning crazier looks.

"We're going to go..I can't afford to get into anymore fights," Derek says through gritted teeth, pulling Sophia by the forearm.

"I'll see you guys tonight," Liam nods, kissing Sophia on the cheek before they exit Liam's room headed back down the hall and down the stairs.

"He's lying..he's making Jo lie," I go on anyway to Liam, hoping to get through to the one person that's shown me he's a friend.

"The only one lying..is you Harry," Liam comes out saying, no longer staying quiet,"She said that..Jo told us everything about..about you and her."

"What do you mean?" I question, stepping closer to him.

"It's a lot to retell," Liam says stepping away from me slightly," She just..She said that she was starting to like you, but you started getting weird with her..becoming possesive..she said you wouldn't let her go home the other night when she left Sophia's house after the party. She said you were threatening her..she said that if she wouldn't do what you asked you'd make sure you destroyed her," Liam tells me, his voice still as calm as always, only this time instead of bringing me comfort it's like a slap to the face.

Hearing someone I considered a great friend saying these things..believing these things. It hurt.

"Liam you can't honestly believe that's true," I tell him, feeling my voice catch in my throat.

"I think you should go," He simply says.

"Destroy her? You really think I'd say something like that? What the f*ck was I gonna have her do, huh? What do you think I was trying to make her do?"

"I don't know," He blurts out,"But I do know you were weird about her from the beginning..since the first night I met you. You were stalking her. She said that's what it felt like too..she said she thought you were a stalker, that you admitted to stalking her."

"God do you hear yourself repeating this bullsh*t story? It makes no f*cking sense Liam! It makes no f*cking sense. I took her f*cking picture because of my contest that's all I cared about at first. That's all it was! I like her yea, but I wasn't trying to do anything with her," I tell him, getting it all out, simply letting my words explode,"Everything that happened between Jo and I was because she wanted to, she was the one who kissed me first, she was the one who watched me while I showered, she was the one who came here after she left Sophia's, she was the one who wanted me to f*ck her.."

"Leave. I don't want anything to do with you. Leave now Harry," Liam says more sternly this time.

"Alright," I say quietly, tensing my jaw, realizing where this has lead to,"But just know what you're choosing."

"I know exactly what I'm choosing..my friends," Liam tells me, his eyes watching me as I take steps to his door.

"Your friends," I laugh mockingly,"The f*cking friends I helped you make because you were too much of a little b*tch to make them on your own. Now I see why too, you're sh*tty f*cking friend."

"Get out!" Liam screams, and I do, knowing fully well everything had changed now.

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