[fifty five]

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[that moment when you break your phone, get it fixed, then lose your headphones..ugh sorry I haven't been updating guys I just haven't been feeling it because I just need to listen to my playlists and losing my headphones + being busy didn't help. please vote & comment and I'll try and get the next chapter up a lot sooner]

There were so many things to register it made me feel like my head was seconds from exploding. Why was she drunk? How had she gotten so drunk in so little time? She had just been texting me during first period, giving off nothing that deemed her drunk. And the overall fact that she was drunk overshadowed the fact that she said she was moving, is what really had me. She shouldn't be having alcohol in her system with the medication she's on..God why was she always so reckless?

"Jo, I told you in first period I need you to stay quiet and just try and act normal," Derek reminds her sounding like the overbearing "friend" he is.

"Can you believe it Harry? After all my plans for waiting it out in that hell hole till my eighteenth, they found a place,"She goes on, reaching out to grip my shirts hem. I wrap my arm around her, feeling alarmed by the way she was having such a hard time standing straight on her own, and the obvious stench of faint alcohol masked by what I assumed to be several pieces of gum.

"Jo, you need to shut up, alright come on its for your own good,"Derek says sounding much more agitated this time. He tries to pull her off of me, looking more than bothered by the way she somehow feels the need to be so close to me as we walk well behind the others.

"She's talking..let her talk,"I furrow my brows angrily at him, making sure to tighten my grip on Jo. I turn to her and she's looking at her feet with a big sad smile, and it really broke my heart. What I was seeing was a girl who saw the end.

"How do you know your moving," I ask her softly. I figured this question was simplest for her to answer, even though I really wanted to scold her for getting drunk at school. That'd have to wait till she was sober.

"My dad-he called me-during first period he said-he said-you know what Jonique.."She begins to say putting on this animated loud voice,"We found a place in Palmdale and we're moving there until we can figure out what the hell to do with you."

"He said that," I gulp down. The pain behind her loud drunk voice was only breaking my heart further.

"He did..he told me exactly that..he said it loud and clear,"She drunkly giggles, sounding much louder than a second ago, making Derek look on with worry.

"Why would you drink," I can't help but to ask,"Why would you think that that help..Jo you know im here for you..whatever. You don't need to drink.."

"I don't care!" She yells loudly in my face.

"Jo, you need to either be quieter or don't talk at all okay?" Derek points a finger at her.This time it didn't sound like he was trying to be mean or controlling, but more so he just wanted to keep her from getting into trouble with the teacher.

"I'm not..nope nope nope,"She shakes her head.

"Jo just listen to him okay? I don't want you getting into trouble," I urge. But it was too late I could already see our teacher making a beeline toward us, looking exhausted and annoyed.

"Excuse me, is there a problem over here?" My English teacher-who I completely forget the name of- asks.

Derek and I look at each other almost willing the other to speak up and give an explanation that wouldn't make the teacher question us all and discover that Jo was somehow completely wasted. Derek opens his mouth to speak before I can even think to come up with an excuse.

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