[thirty two]

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I went to bed a little after two am, after face timing Annette. It was crazy how she could just tell something was off about me..I blamed it on lack of sleep and meds. I didn't want her thinking I cared about Jo or any of her bullsh*t. Annette never asked Much about Jo but I know she was curious. Despite Jo saying it was nothing for her, it had hurt me and it meant something to me. It was almost like telling Annette about an ex girlfriend. It just wasn't something I wanted to do.

I woke up to voices coming in through the open window near the tv and it snapped me right awake.

"..I just want to take this over to him, he'll be awake."

The voice sounds like Jo, and it makes my stomach feel tight, I had to be hearing things.

"No," Another woman's voice says in a hushed tone,"You already know what your father will do if he hears you've been communicating with that boy. We're just here to get a few of your things and that's it."


"But nothing! I will not have your father harming me again because of your stupidity," Her mother says harshly, the sound of a door unlocking following,"Get what you need and let's go."

I sit up in the couch, trying my best to look out the window where the shades hadn't completely covered but I can't see anything but the tail of a car. I sit still and silent waiting for any noise that could confirm that I wasn't just dreaming and there really was someone next door.

After keep track of time from the digital clock on the cable box, twenty minutes later I hear the door open followed by several bags running against each other.

"Put those in the car and I'll get the door locked up," Jo's mother commands.

A few seconds later I hear the trunk open followed by the two car doors that open and shut. The engine roars to life and just as quickly as they came, they leave.

I spent most of the night awake, trying to figure it whether I had dreamt those voices or if I had really heard Jo.

"Harry..Harry wake up," Zayn says loudly, shaking my shoulder,"Wake up I'm hungry and I don't know where anything is."

"Go away.." I mumble, trying to cover my face.

"Come on," Zayn tries again, and I just know I won't be able to go back to sleep now so I decide to rub my eyes and get ready to get up.

"F*ck fine stop poking me..I'm awake,"I mumble trying to shove him away.

Once I'm up, and in my chair I wheel myself half awake to the kitchen to see my mom already hard at work cooking breakfast.

"Thanks Zayn," My mom smiles, beginning to serve the plate in her hand,"Harry wash your hands breakfast is ready."

"Seriously?" I mumble to Zayn, glaring at him.

"Family breakfast before your mom goes to work," Zayn smiles brightly, setting the table.

"You're such a kiss *ss," I tell him shaking my head.

I get washed up for breakfast before joining Zayn and my mom for breakfast. Most of the conversation is basics, my mom STILL going on and on about tomorrow and the block party before asking if Zayn and I could pick up a few things.

"Are you buying the whole store?" I complain, eyeing her long two page detailed list of supplies.

"I need everything on that list so please read it carefully," My mother says pleadingly before disappearing upstairs to finish up for work.

"So how'd you sleep?" I ask Zayn, setting down the list next to my mom's debit card on the counter.

"It's not my bed but you know it wasn't half bad," he laughs, washing the dishes,"But how do you sleep at night with those birds hitting your window?"

"What?" I laugh sipping my mug,"What f*cking birds?"

"I don't know if they were birds per-say," Zayn explains,"I just don't really know what else it could have been hitting your window on the second floor..kinda creeped me out at first but I just went back to sleep I was so tired.."

"Weird," I reply with a shrug since I never heard anything against my window before.

After finishing up in the kitchen Zayn and I watch tv before playing FIFA when my mom finally leaves for work warning us to strictly stick to her list and not just buy junk food. After wasting most of our morning we finally get up and changed before heading out to Target, the place Louis made sure to tell me is where I'd find what I needed. I text Annette a few times to see if she wants to come but with no response I assume she's busy so we leave without her.

Nearly three hours, Target, Walmart, and the local grocery store later we finally have the list complete. We pick up some burgers and head home when Annette finally replies to my texts.

Annette(4:09pm) - sorry just now seeing this. I left my phone at home & I've been out all day helping my mom buy things..how are you?

Me(4:11pm) - be much better with you here. Come over?

Annette(4:15pm) - I don't want to ruin your guy time. We can just spend all day together tmrw, yea?

Me(4:16pm) - Zayn just ate his weight in burger meat after smoking two blunts..there won't be any guy time, he's knocked out for the evening..so come.

Me(4:17pm) Please? (:

Annette(4:29pm) - be there in 10

With Zayn fast asleep on my mattress I wander around the house aimlessly waiting for Annette to get here. The second I hear her car pull up, I race over to the door, pulling it open before she can even knock.

I wasn't sure if this was just because I felt a nagging feeling in the back of my mind through out the day after yesterday and last night. I just couldn't be alone right now, I needed to remember why I was over Jo and why she was just a waste of energy.

I wheel myself out slightly onto the porch with a grin on my face as I Annette with her head down, shutting her car off, a pair of large shades covering her eyes as she gets out, walking over to me slowly.

"Hey," I greet happily.

"Hey," She repeats, giving me a small smile before following me into the house.

I lead her into the living room, where we usually spend most of our time when she's over since it's a non threatening, or pressuring environment. I wanted her to know that I didn't just invite her over for sex or kissing. It would happen when it did.

"What's with the shades," I ask with a laugh, Annette taking a seat across from me.

"Nothing," She mumbles, flipping the tv on. Something about her tone is off, and I just know something's bothering her.

"Take them off," I suggest casually.

"I'm okay," She replies her head facing the tv still, not bothering to look over at me.

"Are you serious?" I half laugh.

"Harry..let's just hang out. They're just sunglasses," She tells me firmly.

I wheel over to her before she can get up from the couch and run away from me. I swiftly pull the large frames from her face and feel my heart drop at the sight of her swollen, freshly bruised eye. I take in her face with fresh eyes and notice she has rough patches of fresh scars under the makeup she's caked on her usually natural face.

I can feel my temperature rising so fast I had to toss the sunglasses down before I snapped them in half. Just the thought of someone laying their hands on Annette pisses me off beyond belief.

"Who the h*ll did this to you.."

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