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Annette was leaving Monday morning so I offered to drive her to the airport since both her parents would be working after their time off for the mourning of their son's death anniversary.

So there I was half asleep at seven am, sitting on Annette's uncomfortable living room couch, waiting for her to finish getting ready. I wasn't allowed in Annette's room-not that that ever stopped me..when they weren't home. This couch with an array of gray's was basically my favorite place in the house because it's really the only place in the house that I was allowed in.

While I sat, as straight as I could with one hand rested under my chin,they watched the morning news in the kitchen right across from me, glancing every few minutes..maybe to see if I was still there, who knows.

Annette's house was beautiful with a lot of thought put into the decorations. Everything matched, and everything had a designated place. It kind of reminded me of the hospital waiting rooms..must have been where Annette's mom took inspiration.

I stared around at all the empty picture frames on the walls and small tables and wondered why before realizing it was probably to avoid seeing Annette's brother in family pictures. It was odd to me, but then again Annette's parents were too. I mean If I had died my mom would have a shrine for me in every room of the house.

You know it was funny I didn't really even talk to Annette's parents..like ever. They'd say hello, goodbye or tell me Annette would be a few minutes or that she had to come in when we'd sit outside on her driveway, but not much else. Sure they'd smile but I just had the feeling they weren't too fond of me despite Annette saying they did actually like me. She said that since they knew my mom they knew I was respectable or some sh*t.

"She'll only be a few minutes more," Annette's mom informs me, her work bag over her shoulder as she passes for the door. I nod and mumble a quick thank you, only glancing up to look her in the same green eyes as Annette's, once. I rarely looked at her head on, it was a little uncomfortable because she was just as hot as Annette only a little thinner, with a larger chest.

"Thanks again for offering to give Annette a ride. Drive safe," Annette's father tells me with a small smile, holding out a twenty.

"Gas money," He says when I look up at him confused.

"I can't accept this," I shake my head, sitting up from my off slouch,"I don't need gas money to give my girlfriend a ride," I chuckle, assuring him. But this makes his smile fall, turning into a slight scowl.

"So the two of you are in a relationship then," He says, sounding more of a questions.

"Uh..well..yea.." I stutter, cheeks flushed. Was she not suppose to be dating? I couldn't remember because parents were just complicated. I mean Id been coming by a few times all summer and Annette and I spent a lot of time together publicly and at my house so I just figured he knew. But you know parents..they're complicated.

"And how serious is this relationship?" He asks and my mouth goes dry because I didn't know. I mean what did he mean by serious? Serious as in are you trying to marry my daughter? Or serious as in are you f*cking my daughter? And I prayed to God he didn't mean the second one because I wasn't and there was no reason to have the sex talk with a dad that wasn't mine.

"Leave him alone dad," Annette calls from the hall in a huff, pulling her suitcase with a duffle bag slung on her shoulder.

"Let me help you," I jump to say, quickly helping take the weight from her.

"We're going to get going before you decide to harass my boyfriend further," Annette tells her dad teasingly, making him crack a smile. She kisses his cheek and they say their goodbyes.

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