[twenty three]

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[if you're confused it's okay. this isn't a story where you'll have all the answers right in front of you..so bare with me and try to remember details. (:

Happy New Year btw. Love you all!]

I gulp down the lump I feel at the back of my throat and turn as quickly as I can without crumbling to the floor from the pain of rejection I feel after hearing her say that.

"Wait," I tell her, trying to sound confident..even though I feel anything but.

"Jo, I know you don't mean that," I go on, pulling her by the elbow.

"I do," She snaps, her face baring a look of complete irritation, pulling her elbow out of my grasp. I feel the strong urge to grab her again, just to feel the warmth of her skin..just to feel her at all.

"You don't," I croak, making her laugh.

"Look," She says,"Whatever it is that you think was happening between us..was fake. It was me just f*cking with your head for fun. I do it all the time to guys so stop acting like you're so special to me because you're not."

"What?" I don't believe it.

"I've paid attention to you for like what, a few days?" She tells me in a mocking tone,"You're nobody..don't think because you know a few of my secrets that it suddenly binds us for life."

"You don't mean that," I manage to say.

"You're so dullusional!" She screams in my face,"Harry this was nothing, there wasn't anything between us. Just because you watch me through a window for a few weeks doesn't mean you know me. I don't like you. So stop..stop acting like this is something. It's really getting weird. you're like some crazy stalker..creating lies about my family.."

"What?" I screech in confusion and now anger. She may be right about slightly being a stalker but making up lies about her family?I never did that.

"Stop making up these lies Harry," She simply says when I feel a hand roughly push me over.

"Jonique lets go," Her brother, James says, eyeing me as my hand rests on the wall to balance.

"Can you just give us a minute," I tell him impatiently.

"Excuse me?" James says, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Im having an important conversation with Jo..just give us a minute alone will you," I go on.

"I don't wait on anyone," He says through a fake mocking laugh,"Especially when I'm doing favors."

"I'm ready..we don't need to wait for anyone," Jo says to him, not bothering to look me in the eye.

I continue following them..following Jo in hopes of changing her mind and finding out what the helll is actually going on.

"What lies are you talking about?" I ask, following behind them.

"Jo..what lies are you talking about? What lies do you think I.."

"Wait, this is the guy Jo?" James says suddenly stopping, looking at me with a hard expression.

"Yea," She answers weakly, looking at me then looking away.

"You have the nerve to come into our f*cking house after all that shit you started between Jo and my dad?" James says to me, getting in my face.

"What are you talking about..I've never said anything about Jo," I tell him getting right back in his face.

My anger is slowly beginning to come back. I don't know where Jo is going or what she's even talking about. I hate being left in the dark..right now it just feels like I fell asleep and woke up in a whole different world with a new set of problems.

Last night I had it all figured out- my mom was going to help me turn Jo's dad in and we were going to get her help..keep her safe. And now she's saying she never liked me in the first place. Now she's leaving.

"Get the helll out of here..if I ever see you near my sister again I swear Ill beat your *ss," He threatens, shoving me back.

"Jo, get in the car..I'm not telling you again," James barks, pointing his finger at her before staring at me again.

"You're lucky I'm working on my temper.." He snarls at me before throwing open his door to climb into the car.

I watch as they drive away, Jo's eyes not even meeting my defeat filled ones.

"She hates you."

I turn my head away from the now empty road and see I'm no longer standing on the lawn alone..Jo's father is standing a few feet away, his hands tucked into his pockets.

"No," I say, shaking my head at him in disgust,"She hates you."

"Think what you will," He shrugs, unlocking his car that now stands solely in the driveway alone,"I just thought you'd like to know what everyone..your little friends included..think.."

"What the hell are you talking about," I ask demandingly.

"Jo told me everything you know.." He says,"She knew I'd find out anyway..she knew it wasn't right for you to know. She thought telling me would keep her from being sent away..but I warned her.."

"Where did you send her, where is she going!" I shout at him, making him take a step back.

"You made things so easy for me.." He laughs dryly.

"I tried to keep Jo's little self harm problem a secret but then you came along..you stalked her, and you found out. You knew her secret now and so she lied to you. She said it was me harming her, and you took the idea and you ran with it.." Jo's father says to me in a narrative voice..as if he's telling a story, a story that was meant to cover his *ss and make me look like the bad guy.

"That is a lie..Jo wasn't hurting herself.."

"Of course Jo knew the truth..she broke down and admitted everything to her doctor this morning, and so her worse fear came true..she had to go away.."

"Where did you send her..tell me where she's going," I shout, hurling myself at Mr. Caar, trying to grab his shirt front but he's too quick for me, moving out of the way so that I tumble to the floor, face first.

"Jonique is going to get help..she's going to get better," He simply says.

"She doesn't need help, you do! You're the one whose f*cked up! You may have intimated Jo into not saying anything but I won't back down," I tell him, lifting myself from the ground,"I'll tell everyone what you've done..what I've seen you do."

"No one will believe you..you'll just look crazier then everyone already thinks," He laughs stepping toward his car,"But if you must, I'll be at the police station, working."

"I look forward to seeing you..Harry."

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