[fifty three]

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I stand behind several other students who await their turn at the foldable tables where two very different girls are seated-one is much more laid back, her blonde hair messily pushed over her shoulders wearing a simple loose tank top looking completely relaxed while flipping a small notepads pages quickly over and over again, despite the students choosing to swarm the table for their schedules. The girl next to her, has her red hair pin straight held back by a neat black silky headband is looking even more uptight than Mrs. Payne in a white button up with a three-quarter sleeved pale pink blazer over it. Shes clearly running the show, yelling at people around her to get back, frantically searching through the binder in front of her.

I use this time to check my phone, hoping to see a reply to my 'good morning' from Jo but nothing. I then sigh wishing I had gone home because everything about school sucked.

"Get BACK or I will not be handing out anymore schedules," The red head stands to her feet,shouts. She then turns to the blonde seated and says,"Gigi, seriously, i could use some help."

"What should I do,"She asks, not even bothering to look away from the pages she's flipping.

"Tell everyone to form a line, and to have their student IDs out,"She rolls her eyes as if it should have been obvious.

"Okay,"She nods, putting her small notepad on the table, and standing.

"If you're not in line and are just standing around, dont expect to get your schedule,"Her smooth voice says, getting everyone's attention.

"G this sh*t shouldn't be taking this long, just give me my schedule so I can make it in time to nap in first period,"Some guy in a basketball jersey says in annoyance.

"I can't because you're not in line Tyler,"She shrugs in a sing-song voice. The others that had swarmed the table look at each other, almost reconsidering their choice of going straight to the front of the line.

"Where does the line start,"He rolls his eyes.

"Behind Katrina, Jacob, and that new guy.. the only people waiting one person behind the other,"She says in a matter of fact,"You know, like how people usually stand in line."

Everyone immediately rushes behind me, seeing as I'm the last in the line and I feel a little relieved I was only behind two other students because I was now suddenly realizing I knew only six students in the entire school, half of which I didn't like.

"Have your student IDs out..thanks guys,"The blonde, apparently named Gigi, says before sitting back down, grabbing her notepad once again flipping the pages quickly.

With a system now established, the line moves much quicker, and suddenly I'm next. I step up to the table suddenly feeling shy, remembering how shy and to myself Ive always been in school. With all the drama from the summer I almost forgot that school was a completely different world, with completely different sets of problems.

"ID,"The red head asks quickly holding out her hand.

"I don't have a student ID yet..I'm new,"I answer and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Did you not go to orientation during the summer?" She asks in a bored tone.

"No," I answer slowly.

"Great,"She says sarcastically before beginning to wave me away,"No student ID no schedule. Good bye. NEXT.."

"Wait what," I say feeling confused,"I didn't know about an orientation or.."

"NEXT," She repeats loudly and the guy behind me slightly shoves me to the side.

"You're joking right," I can't help but to say. I stare at the red head who completely ignores me when I notice the blonde, Gigi, now looking up from her notepad watching the situation.

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